Chronic Gastritisaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Gastritis Variants

Parent symptom: Gastritis

What is Chronic Gastritis?

Chronic gastritis, a prolonged inflammation of the stomach lining, unfolds stealthily over time, often with less pronounced symptoms than its acute counterpart. This condition can manifest as a dull or gnawing pain, bloating, and an uncomfortable feeling of fullness after eating. While factors such as long-term use of NSAIDs, infection with Helicobacter pylori, and autoimmune disorders commonly underlie this condition, its persistence can lead to a gradual deterioration of the stomach lining. Identifying and addressing the root cause of chronic gastritis is crucial to prevent potential complications, including ulcers and an increased risk of stomach cancer.

How does TCM view Chronic Gastritis?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches chronic gastritis through the lens of disharmony within the body's energetic system. Unlike Western medicine, which often focuses on symptom management and the elimination of causative agents, TCM seeks to identify and rectify the underlying imbalance—whether it be Qi stagnation, Damp-Phlegm accumulation, or Yin Deficiency.

This holistic perspective not only aims to alleviate the symptoms associated with gastritis but also to restore the body's natural state of balance and health, emphasizing diet, lifestyle, and emotional well-being as integral components of treatment.

Causes of Chronic Gastritis According to TCM

Within the framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), chronic gastritis is attributed to many patterns, such as Qi Deficiency or Qi Stagnation, Stomach Yang Deficiency with Empty Cold, and the accumulation of Damp-Phlegm. Qi Deficiency manifests as a lack of energy within the Stomach, leading to symptoms like fatigue, loose stools, and a pale tongue. Qi Stagnation, on the other hand, causes a feeling of fullness and discomfort, revealing the Stomach's inability to move its contents effectively.

Stomach Yang Deficiency with Empty Cold describes a coldness and weakness in the stomach's functioning, often resulting in a preference for warm foods and drinks, along with pain that improves with heat application. Additionally, Damp-Phlegm accumulation can create a heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, and a sensation of having a lump in the throat, indicating an excess of dampness and Phlegm obstructing the proper function of the Stomach.

TCM Herbal Formulas for Chronic Gastritis

To address chronic gastritis, TCM recommends formulas that correspond to the underlying patterns of disharmony. For Qi Deficiency, Shen Ling Bai Zhu San, rich in Ginseng (Ren Shen), aims to bolster the Qi of the Stomach and Spleen, enhancing energy and digestive health. In cases of Qi Stagnation, Chai Hu Shu Gan San uses Bupleurum Roots (Chai Hu) to smooth and regulate the flow of Qi, easing discomfort and bloating.

For those suffering from Stomach Yang Deficiency with Empty Cold, Wu Zhu Yu Tang, incorporating Evodia Fruits (Wu Zhu Yu), warms the middle Jiao, dispelling cold to relieve pain and discomfort. Lastly, to combat Damp-Phlegm, Er Chen Tang, featuring Crow-Dipper Rhizomes (Ban Xia), works to dry dampness and transform Phlegm, clearing obstruction and improving the function of the Stomach. These tailored treatments exemplify the TCM approach to chronic gastritis, focusing on restoring balance and functionality to the digestive system.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address chronic gastritis, organized by formula type.

  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that promote qi movement
  • Formulas that warm the middle and dispel cold
  • Formulas that dry dampness and transform phlegm
  • Formulas that tonify qi
  • Formulas that harmonize lesser yang-warp disorders
  • Formulas that invigorate blood and dispel blood stagnation
  • Formulas that nourish yin and tonify
  • Formulas that reduce food accumulation and transform stagnation
  • Formulas that warm interior cold
  • Formulas that release the exterior and warm the interior
  • Formulas that warm and transform water and dampness
  • Formulas that transform dampness and harmonize stomach
  • Formulas that disperse dryness and moisten
  • Formulas that secure irregular uterine bleeding and stop vaginal discharge
  • Formulas that dispel phlegm
  • Formulas that purge heat accumulation
  • Formulas that harmonize liver-Spleen
  • Formulas for a rebellious qi
  • Formulas that tonify qi and blood

All "formulas that warm the middle and dispel cold" recommended for chronic gastritis

Formula Key herbs
Da Jian Zhong Tang Sichuan Pepper (Hua Jiao)
Wu Zhu Yu Tang Evodia Fruits (Wu Zhu Yu)
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang Maltose (Yi Tang)

All "formulas that dry dampness and transform phlegm" recommended for chronic gastritis

Formula Key herbs
Er Chen Tang Crow-Dipper Rhizomes (Ban Xia), Tangerine Peel (Chen Pi)
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang Crow-Dipper Rhizomes (Ban Xia)
Wen Dan Tang Crow-Dipper Rhizomes (Ban Xia)

All "formulas that harmonize lesser yang-warp disorders" recommended for chronic gastritis

Formula Key herbs
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang Bupleurum Roots (Chai Hu), Cinnamon Twigs (Gui Zhi)
Xiao Chai Hu Tang Bupleurum Roots (Chai Hu)

All "formulas that invigorate blood and dispel blood stagnation" recommended for chronic gastritis

Formula Key herbs
Dan Shen Yin Red Sage Roots (Dan Shen)
Dang Gui Shao Yao San White Peony Roots (Bai Shao)

All "formulas that nourish yin and tonify" recommended for chronic gastritis

Formula Key herbs
Yi Guan Jian
Yi Wei Tang Unprepared Rehmannia (Di Huang), Dwarf Lilyturf Roots (Mai Dong)

TCM Herbs for Chronic Gastritis

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address chronic gastritis, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Tonic herbs for qi deficiency
  • Herbs that warm the interior and/or expel cold
  • Herbs that regulate qi
  • Cool/Acrid herbs that release the exterior
  • Herbs that invigorate the blood
  • Warm herbs that transform phlegm and stop cough
  • Tonic herbs for yin deficiency
  • Herbs that relieve food stagnation
  • Warm/Acrid herbs that release the exterior
  • Tonic herbs for blood deficiency
  • Herbs that drain dampness
  • Aromatic herbs that transform dampness
  • Herbs that cool the blood

"Herbs that warm the Interior and/or expel Cold" recommended for chronic gastritis

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Sichuan Pepper (Hua Jiao) Da Jian Zhong Tang
Dried Ginger (Gan Jiang) Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang
Lesser Galangal Rhizomes (Gao Liang jiang) Liang Fu Wan
Evodia Fruits (Wu Zhu Yu) Wu Zhu Yu Tang

"Herbs that regulate Qi" recommended for chronic gastritis

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Tangerine Peel (Chen Pi) Er Chen Tang
Sichuan Chinaberries (Chuan Lian Zi) Jin Ling Zi San
Coco-Grass Rhizomes (Xiang Fu) Liang Fu Wan

"Cool/Acrid herbs that release the Exterior" recommended for chronic gastritis

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Bupleurum Roots (Chai Hu) Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang | Chai Hu Shu Gan San | Xiao Chai Hu Tang | Xiao Yao San
Mulberry Leaves (Sang Ye) Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang

"Herbs that invigorate the Blood" recommended for chronic gastritis

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Red Sage Roots (Dan Shen) Dan Shen Yin
Szechuan Lovage Roots (Chuan Xiong) Yue Ju Wan

"Warm herbs that transform Phlegm and stop Cough" recommended for chronic gastritis

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Crow-Dipper Rhizomes (Ban Xia) Er Chen Tang | Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang | Wen Dan Tang
Inula Flowers (Xuan Fu Hua) Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang

"Tonic herbs for Yin Deficiency" recommended for chronic gastritis

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Dwarf Lilyturf Roots (Mai Dong) Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang | Yi Wei Tang
Glehnia Roots (Bei Sha Shen) Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang

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