Cinnamon twigs (Gui Zhi) Ginseng (Ren Shen) Dried ginger (Gan Jiang) Liquorice (Gan Cao)

Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang

Chinese: 桂枝人参汤

Pinyin: Guì Zhī Rén Shēn Tāng

Other names: Cinnamon Twig and Ginseng Decoction

Ingredients: 5 herbs

Category: Formulas that Release the Exterior and Warm the Interior

  1. Releases the Exterior
  2. Warms the Interior
  3. Augments the Qi
  4. Eliminates focal distention

Contraindications: This formula is strongly warming and drying, thus it is contraindicated for... This formula is strongly warming and drying, thus it is contraindicated for patterns with Interior Heat or Yin Deficiecy. see more

Source: Discussion of Cold Damage (220 AD)

Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang is a 5-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula with Cinnamon Twigs (Gui Zhi) and Ginseng (Ren Shen) as principal ingredients.

Invented in 220 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that Release the Exterior and Warm the Interior. Its main actions are: 1) releases the Exterior and 2) warms the Interior.

In Chinese Medicine health conditions are thought to arise due to "disharmonies" in the body as a system. These disharmonies are called "patterns" and the very purpose of herbal formulas is to fight them in order to restore the body's harmony.

From a Western Medicine standpoint, such patterns can give rise to a range of conditions such as peptic ulcers, chronic cholecystitis or chronic colitis for instance.

On this page, after a detailed description of each of the five ingredients in Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang, we review the patterns and conditions that Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang helps treat.

The five ingredients in Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang

Gui Zhi is a king ingredient in Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.

1. Cinnamon Twigs (Gui Zhi)

Part used: Dried young branches

Nature: Warm

Taste(s): PungentSweet

Meridian affinity: HeartLungSpleen

Category: Warm/Acrid herbs that release the Exterior

Gui Zhi is acrid, warming. It releases the Exterior through its warming action on the greater Yang
warp, but also helps to direct turbid Qi downward by means of its acrid fragrance. It is used to focus entirely on the Exterior.

Learn more about Cinnamon Twigs (Gui Zhi)

Ren Shen is a king ingredient in Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.

2. Ginseng (Ren Shen)

Part used: Dried root

Nature: Warm

Taste(s): BitterSweet

Meridian affinity: HeartLungSpleen

Category: Tonic herbs for Qi Deficiency

In general Ren Shen's main actions are as follows: "Very strongly tonifies the Qi. Tonifies the Lungs and Spleen. Assists the body in the secretion of Fluids and stops thirst. Strengthens the Heart and calms the Shen (mind/spirit)."

In the context of Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang, it is used because it strongly tonifies the primal Qi, assisting movement, circulation and transformation.

Learn more about Ginseng (Ren Shen)

Gan Jiang is a deputy ingredient in Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang. This means it helps the king ingredient(s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern.

3. Dried Ginger (Gan Jiang)

Part used: Dried rhizome

Nature: Hot

Taste(s): Pungent

Meridian affinity: HeartKidneyLungStomach

Category: Herbs that warm the Interior and/or expel Cold

Gan Jiang is acrid and heating. It warms the Middle Burner, dispelling Interior Cold and boosting the Spleen and Stomach Yang Qi. If the Spleen's transportive and transformative functions fail, Dampness accumulates.

Learn more about Dried Ginger (Gan Jiang)

Gan Cao is an assistant ingredient in Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.

4. Liquorice (Gan Cao)

Part used: Dried root and rhizome

Nature: Neutral

Taste(s): Sweet

Meridian affinity: HeartLungSpleenStomach

Category: Tonic herbs for Qi Deficiency

Gan Cao is sweet and balanced. It enters the Spleen to harmonize the entire formula and assist Ginseng and Atractylodes rhizome in strengthening the Spleen .

Learn more about Liquorice (Gan Cao)

Bai Zhu is an assistant ingredient in Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.

5. Atractylodes Rhizomes (Bai Zhu)

Part used: Dried rhizome

Nature: Warm

Taste(s): BitterSweet

Meridian affinity: SpleenStomach

Category: Tonic herbs for Qi Deficiency

In general Bai Zhu's main actions are as follows: "Tonifies the Spleen Qi. Fortifies the Spleen Yang and dispels Damp through urination. Tonifies Qi and stops sweating. Calms restless fetus when due to Deficiency of Spleen Qi."

In the context of Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang, it is used because it strengthens the Spleen dries Dampness, and stops diarrhea.

Learn more about Atractylodes Rhizomes (Bai Zhu)

Formulas similar to Gui Zhi Ren Shen Tang

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