English: Black atractylodes rhizomes
Chinese: 苍术
Please note that you should never self-prescribe TCM ingredients. A TCM ingredient is almost never eaten on its own but as part of a formula containing several ingredients that act together. Please consult a professional TCM practitioner, they will be best able to guide you.
Preparation: Remove impurities, wash, moisturize, cut into thick slices and dry.
Dosage: 3 - 9 grams
Main actions according to TCM*: Dries Damp and tonifies the Spleen. Relieves the Exterior for invasion of Wind-Cold-Damp. Relieves Wind-Damp painful obstruction. Dries Damp for either Damp-Cold or Damp-Heat when combined with the correct herbs. Clears the eyes and improves sight.
Primary conditions or symptoms for which Cang Zhu may be prescribed by TCM doctors*: Rheumatic athralgia Edema Loss of appetite Abdominal distention Diarrhea Beriberi Poor eyesight Joint pain Impaired vision Blurred vision
Contraindications*: This herb should not be used by those with Qi Deficiency or Yin Deficiency with Heat.
Source date: 1817 AD
Number of ingredients: 8 herbs
Formula key actions: Resolves Dampness and Phlegm.
Cang Zhu is a king ingredient in Cang Fu Dao Tan Wan. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.
In Cang Fu Dao Tan Wan, Cang Zhu resolves Dampness and Phlegm
Source date: 1051 AD
Number of ingredients: 4 herbs
Formula key actions: Dries Dampness. Improves the Spleen's transportive function. Promotes the movement of Qi. Harmonizes the Stomach.
Conditions targeted*: Peptic ulcersChronic gastritis and others
Cang Zhu is a king ingredient in Ping Wei San. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.
In Ping Wei San, Cang Zhu is perhaps the best Chinese herb for dispelling Dampness and strengthening the transportive function of the Spleen.
Source date: 1481 AD
Number of ingredients: 9 herbs
Formula key actions: Promotes urination. Warms the Yang. Strengthens the Spleen. Drains Dampness. Promotes the movement of Qi. Harmonizes the Stomach.
Conditions targeted*: EdemaGastritis and others
Cang Zhu is a king ingredient in Wei Ling Tang. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.
In Wei Ling Tang, Cang Zhu is perhaps the best Chinese herb for dispelling Dampness and strengthening the transportive function of the Spleen.
Source date: 1826 AD
Number of ingredients: 10 herbs
Formula key actions: Tonifies the Middle Burner. Removes Dampness. Stops vaginal discharge. Strengthens the Spleen.
Conditions targeted*: PreeclampsiaOtitis media and others
Cang Zhu is a deputy ingredient in Wan Dai Tang. This means it helps the king ingredient(s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern.
In Wan Dai Tang, Cang Zhu is very effective in removing Dampness.
Source date: 1308 AD
Number of ingredients: 9 herbs
Formula key actions: Induces sweating . Dispels Dampness. Expels Wind-Cold. Clears Interior Heat .
Conditions targeted*: Common coldMigraine and others
Cang Zhu is a deputy ingredient in Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang. This means it helps the king ingredient(s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern.
In Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang, Cang Zhu like Saposhnikovia root, assists the key herb in releasing the Exterior and eliminating Dampness.
Source date: 1617 AD
Number of ingredients: 13 herbs
Formula key actions: Disperses Wind. Eliminates Dampness. Clears Heat. Cools the Blood.
Conditions targeted*: UrticariaEczema and others
Cang Zhu is a deputy ingredient in Xiao Feng San. This means it helps the king ingredient(s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern.
In Xiao Feng San, Cang Zhu dries Dampness.
Source date: 1587 AD
Number of ingredients: 16 herbs
Formula key actions: Expels Wind Damp from the Channels. Invigorates Blood. Unblocks the channels.
Conditions targeted*: ArthralgiaBell's palsy and others
Cang Zhu is an assistant ingredient in Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
In Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang, Cang Zhu releases Wind Cold Damp from the Exterior and relieves Wind Damp obstruction pain.
Source date: 846 AD
Number of ingredients: 15 herbs
Formula key actions: Releases the Exterior. Warms the Interior. Smoothes the flow of Qi. Transforms Phlegm. Invigorates the Blood. Reduces Stagnation.
Conditions targeted*: BronchiolitisSciatica and others
Cang Zhu is an assistant ingredient in Wu Ji San. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
In Wu Ji San, Cang Zhu dries Dampness and eliminates its Stagnation.
Source date: 1481 AD
Number of ingredients: 2 herbs
Formula key actions: Expels Dampness from the Lower Burner. Drains Heat from the Lower Burner.
Conditions targeted*: OsteoarthritisGout and others
In Er Miao San, Cang Zhu resolves Damp Heat from the Middle Burner such as the Spleen. Its acrid and warming nature supports the Spleen's transformation and transportation function. It also moderates the bitter, cooling, and downward-directing aspect of Phellodendron bark.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Cang Zhu belongs to the 'Aromatic herbs that transform Dampness' category. This category of herbs resolves a TCM condition called 'Cold Damp Stagnation', especially as it affects the Stomach and Spleen. In modern medicine this often translates into symptoms such as distended chest and abdomen, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting
As suggested by its category Cang Zhu is Warm in nature. This means that Cang Zhu tends to help people who have too much 'Cold' in their body, although with less effect than a plant that would be Hot in nature. Balance between Yin and Yang is a key health concept in TCM. Those who have too much Cold in their body are said to either have a Yin Excess (because Yin is Cold in nature) or a Yang Deficiency (Yang is Hot in Nature). Depending on your condition Cang Zhu can help restore a harmonious balance between Yin and Yang.
Cang Zhu also tastes Bitter and Pungent. The so-called 'Five Phases' theory in Chinese Medicine states that the taste of TCM ingredients is a key determinant of their action in the body. Bitter ingredients like Cang Zhu tends to have a cleansing action on the body by clearing Heat, drying Dampness and promoting elimination via urination or bowel movements. On the other hand Pungent ingredients tend to promote the circulations of Qi and Body Fluids. That's why for instance someone tends to sweat a lot when they eat spicy/pungent food.
The tastes of ingredients in TCM also determine what Organs and Meridians they target. As such Cang Zhu is thought to target the Spleen and the Stomach. In TCM the Spleen assists with digestion, Blood coagulation and Fluids metabolism in the body. The Stomach on the other hand is responsible for receiving and ripening ingested food and fluids. It is also tasked with descending the digested elements downwards to the Small Intestine.