Symptom family: Headaches

Parent symptom: Headaches

Did you mean? Temporal Headache

What is Migraine?

Migraines are a type of headache characterized by intense, throbbing pain, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Unlike typical headaches, migraines can be debilitating and may require specific triggers to be identified and managed. They are not just intense headaches but a neurological condition that can significantly impact daily life.

How does TCM view Migraine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perceives migraines as a disturbance in the body's harmony, resulting from an imbalance of Yin and Yang energies. In TCM, identifying the specific 'pattern' of disharmony is crucial for treatment. A pattern is not just a single symptom but a constellation of signs and bodily responses.

Understanding the underlying pattern in migraines, such as Blood Stagnation or Liver Qi Stagnation, helps TCM practitioners to tailor treatments that restore balance, rather than just alleviating symptoms.

Causes of Migraine according to TCM

In TCM, migraines are often seen as a result of external pathogenic factors like Wind-Cold or internal imbalances such as Liver Yang Rising. For instance, Wind-Cold can invade the channels of the head, leading to pain, while an internal imbalance like Liver Yang Rising might cause a pulsating headache.

The Liver's role in ensuring the smooth flow of Qi and Blood in the body is critical, and any disruption can lead to migraines. By understanding these patterns, TCM practitioners can select treatments that address the root of the issue.

TCM Herbal Formulas for Migraine

Addressing migraines in TCM involves the use of specific formulas and herbs. For Wind-Cold patterns, Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang with Notopterygium Roots may be used to expel the pathogen and alleviate pain.

For Blood Stagnation, a formula like Tao He Cheng Qi Tang with Peach Kernels can invigorate Blood and remove stasis, easing the headache. When migraines are due to Liver Blood Deficiency, herbs like Jujube Seeds in Suan Zao Ren Tang nourish the Heart and calm the Mind. Each herbal prescription is tailored to the patient's unique pattern of disharmony.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address migraine, organized by formula type.

  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that clear wind-Cold
  • Formulas that nourish the heart and calm the mind
  • Formulas that invigorate blood and dispel blood stagnation
  • Formulas that warm the middle and dispel cold
  • Formulas that release the exterior and purge the interior
  • Formulas that warm and transform water and dampness
  • Formulas that clear exterior disorders with interior deficiency
  • Formulas that promote urination and leach out dampness
  • Formulas that harmonize lesser yang-warp disorders
  • Formulas that promote qi movement
  • Formulas that dredge and disperse external wind

All "formulas that clear wind-Cold" recommended for migraine

Formula Key herbs
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang Notopterygium Roots (Qiang Huo)
Ma Huang Tang Ephedra (Ma Huang)

All "formulas that nourish the heart and calm the mind" recommended for migraine

Formula Key herbs
Suan Zao Ren Tang Jujube Seeds (Suan Zao Ren)
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Light Wheats (Fu Xiao Mai)

All "formulas that invigorate blood and dispel blood stagnation" recommended for migraine

Formula Key herbs
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Peach Kernels (Tao Ren), Rhubarb (Da Huang)
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Peach Kernels (Tao Ren), Safflowers (Hong Hua), Szechuan Lovage Roots (Chuan Xiong)

All "formulas that warm the middle and dispel cold" recommended for migraine

Formula Key herbs
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang Maltose (Yi Tang)
Wu Zhu Yu Tang Evodia Fruits (Wu Zhu Yu)

Acupoints for Migraine

TCM also utilizes acupuncture to treat migraines, with specific points chosen based on the diagnosed pattern. Points such as Tongziliao GB-1 may be selected to clear Heat from the eyes and head, while Waiguan TB-5 can expel Wind-Heat and alleviate symptoms. Acupuncture aims to restore the flow of Qi and Blood, reduce tension, and balance Yin and Yang energies to provide relief from migraines.

Explore below some acupoints used to address migraine, organized by meridian.

  • By Meridian
  • Gall Bladder Channel
  • Triple Burner Channel
  • Extra Points: Head and Neck (EX-HN)
Tongziliao GB-1

Tongziliao GB-1

Lateral to the outer canthus, in the depression on the lateral side of the orbit.

Xuanli GB-6

Xuanli GB-6

Within the hairline inferior to the corner of the temporal region, midway of the lower half of the distance between Touwei ST-8 and Qubing GB-7.

Xiaxi GB-43

Xiaxi GB-43

Between the 4th and 5th toes, proximal to the margin of the interdigital web.

Waiguan TB-5

Waiguan TB-5

2 cun above Yangchi TB-4 at the dorsal wrist joint space, between the radius and ulna.

Luxi TB-19

Luxi TB-19

Posterior to the ear, at the junction of the upper and middle third of the curve formed by Yifeng ST-17 and Jiaosun ST-20 behind the helix.

Erjian EX-HN-6

Erjian EX-HN-6

On the apex of the ear.

TCM Herbs for Migraine

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address migraine, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Warm/Acrid herbs that release the exterior
  • Herbs that warm the interior and/or expel cold
  • Herbs that pacify internal liver wind and stop tremors
  • Herbs that invigorate the blood
  • Purgative herbs that drain downward
  • Warm herbs that transform phlegm and stop cough
  • Herbs that nourish the heart and calm the spirit
  • Herbs that drain dampness
  • Cool/Acrid herbs that release the exterior
  • Tonic herbs for qi deficiency
  • Aromatic herbs that transform dampness
  • Herbs that stabilize and bind

"Herbs that warm the Interior and/or expel Cold" recommended for migraine

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Prepared Aconite (Zhi Fu Zi) Fu Zi Tang
Evodia Fruits (Wu Zhu Yu) Wu Zhu Yu Tang
Long Peppers (Bi Ba) Not applicable

"Herbs that pacify Internal Liver Wind and stop Tremors" recommended for migraine

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Silkworms (Jiang Can) Not applicable
Centipedes (Wu Gong) Not applicable
Scorpions (Quan Xie) Not applicable

"Purgative herbs that drain downward" recommended for migraine

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Rhubarb (Da Huang) Fang Feng Tong Sheng San | Tao He Cheng Qi Tang
Mirabilites (Mang Xiao) Fang Feng Tong Sheng San

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