Greater Yang Accumulation of Water

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 太阳 蓄水证      Pinyin name: Tài Yáng Xù Shuǐ Zhèng

Pattern nature: Full


Precursor patterns: Bright Yang Stomach Heat Bright Yang Fire in Stomach and Intestines

Common causes: External pathogenic factor


Common symptoms: Fever Slight thirst Aversion to cold Urinary retention Vomiting of fluids soon after drinking

Pulse type(s): Rapid (Shu), Floating (Fu)


Treatment principle: Release the Exterior, promote the Bladder’s function of Qi transformation, promote the excretion of Fluids.

Common formulas: Wu Ling San


This is one of the four patterns of the Greater Yang stage, the third stage of the Six Stages theory.

In this pattern, on top of being in the Exterior, the External Pathogen has invaded the Bladder.

Symptoms of the Exterior attack include the aversion to cold due to the obstruction of the space between the skin and muscles by Wind: this impairs the circulation of Defensive Qi which cannot fulfill its function of warming the muscles.

The fever is also characteristic of the presence of a Pathogen in the Exterior. Please note that it is not necessarily an actual fever but more the hot feeling of the patient’s skin on palpation, what the Chinese call "heat emission" of the skin. 

As for the Bladder invasion, it results in Water not being transformed. This causes retention of urine, thirst and vomiting after drinking.

Concretely when Water isn't transformed in the Bladder, the fluids aren't ascending, which causes thirst. But because the thirst isn't due to a deficiency of fluids, it isn't relieved by drinking.

As for the vomiting, it is caused by the accumulation of Water in the Stomach since the Bladder doesn't process it correctly anymore.


Precursor patterns: Greater Yang Accumulation of Water can derive from Bright Yang Stomach Heat Bright Yang Fire in Stomach and Intestines

External pathogenic factor: The main cause of this pattern is when an external pathogen, typically Wind-Cold, has invaded the Exterior

Diagnosing Greater Yang Accumulation of Water

Pulse type(s): Rapid (Shu) or floating (Fu)

Main symptoms: Fever Slight thirst Aversion to cold Urinary retention Vomiting of fluids soon after drinking

Treating Greater Yang Accumulation of Water

Treatment principle

Release the Exterior, promote the Bladder’s function of Qi transformation, promote the excretion of Fluids.

Herbal formulas used to treat Greater Yang Accumulation of Water

Wu Ling San

Source date: 220 AD

Number of ingredients: 5 herbs

Key actions: Promotes urination,. Warms the Yang. Strengthens the Spleen. Promotes Qi transformation function. Drains Dampness. Clears edema.

Formula summary

Wu Ling San is a 5-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 220 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that promote urination and leach out Dampness.

Besides Greater Yang Accumulation of Water, Wu Ling San is also used to treat Yin Excess or Kidney Yang Deficiency with Water overflowing.

Read more about Wu Ling San

Consequence patterns

Bright Yang Stomach Heat

If left untreated Greater Yang Accumulation of Water can lead to Bright Yang Stomach Heat

Bright Yang Fire in Stomach and Intestines

If left untreated Greater Yang Accumulation of Water can lead to Bright Yang Fire in Stomach and Intestines