Chinese: 天麻钩藤饮
Pinyin: Tiān Má Gōu Téng Yǐn
Other names: Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink, Gastrodia and Gambir Drink,
Chinese: 天麻钩藤饮
Pinyin: Tiān Má Gōu Téng Yǐn
Other names: Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink, Gastrodia and Gambir Drink,
Ingredients: 11 herbs
Category: Formulas that pacify and extinguish Internal Wind
Contraindications: Contraindicated if the patient's symptoms are caused by Yin Deficiency.
Source: Deriving New Treatments for Patterns of Miscellaneous Disorders in Chinese Internal Medicine (1958 AD)
The information provided here is not a replacement for a doctor. You shouldn't use it for the purpose of self-diagnosing or self-medicating but rather so you can have a more informed discussion with a professional TCM practitioner.
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is a 11-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula with Gastrodia Rhizomes (Tian Ma) and Gambir Stems And Thorns (Gou Teng) as principal ingredients.
Invented in 1958 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that pacify and extinguish Internal Wind. Its main actions are: 1) calms the Liver and 2) extinguishes wind.
In Chinese Medicine health conditions are thought to arise due to "disharmonies" in the body as a system. These disharmonies are called "patterns" and the very purpose of herbal formulas is to fight them in order to restore the body's harmony.
In this case Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is used by TCM practitioners to fight patterns like Liver Yang Rising, Liver Wind agitating Internally due to extreme Heat or Interior Wind. From a Western Medicine standpoint, such patterns can give rise to a range of conditions such as insomnia, headache or dizziness for instance.
On this page, after a detailed description of each of the eleven ingredients in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, we review the patterns and conditions that Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin helps treat.
Tian Ma is a king ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.
Part used: Dried tuber
Nature: Neutral
Taste(s): Sweet
Meridian affinity: Liver
Category: Herbs that pacify Internal Liver Wind and stop Tremors
Tian Ma is sweet and balanced. It is frequently used to treat Internal Wind. Its calming and cooling action is supplement by the heavy and salty Shi Jue Ming (Abalone shells).
Gou Teng is a king ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.
Part used: Dried stems and thorns from the branches
Nature: Cool
Taste(s): Sweet
Meridian affinity: LiverPericardium
Category: Herbs that pacify Internal Liver Wind and stop Tremors
Gou Teng is sweet and cooling. It is often used to treat internal Wind. Its calming and cooling action is supplement by the heavy and salty Shi Jue Ming (Abalone shells).
Shi Jue Ming is a deputy ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means it helps the king ingredient(s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern.
Part used: Shell
Nature: Cold
Taste(s): Salty
Meridian affinity: KidneyLiverLung
Category: Herbs that pacify Internal Liver Wind and stop Tremors
Shi Jue Ming is heavy and salty. Similar to other seashells, it can anchor the rising Yang and calm the Liver. It is useful for treating headaches and dizziness due to Liver Yang rising. It is because it can guide Blood downward from the head by acting on Yang Qi.
Zhi Zi is an assistant ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
Part used: Dried ripe fruit
Nature: Cold
Taste(s): Bitter
Meridian affinity: GallbladderHeartLungSanjiao
Category: Herbs that clear Heat and purge Fire and/or clear Summer Heat
In general Zhi Zi's main actions are as follows: "Clears Heat and calms spirit. Drains Damp-Heat affecting the Liver and Gallbladder. Clears Heat in the Blood and stops bleeding. Anti-inflammatory."
In the context of Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, it is used because it clears Heat and drains Fire. It prevent the Yang from rising in the Liver Channel.
Huang Qin is an assistant ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
Part used: Dried root
Nature: Cold
Taste(s): Bitter
Meridian affinity: GallbladderHeartLarge intestineLungSmall intestineSpleen
Category: Herbs that clear Heat and dry Dampness
In general Huang Qin's main actions are as follows: "Expels Heat and Dampness. Clears Upper Burner Heat, especially of the Lung. Clears Heat and stops reckless movement of Blood. Clears pathogenic Heat which is upsetting the fetus. Cools the Liver, reducing Liver Yang rising syndrome."
In the context of Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, it is used because it clears Heat and drains Fire. It prevent the Yang from rising in the Liver Channel.
Yi Mu Cao is an assistant ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
In general Yi Mu Cao's main actions are as follows: "Moves and regulates Blood, breaks Stasis and regulates the menses. Increases the flow of urine and reduces Stagnation of water"
In the context of Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, it is used because it invigorates the Blood to prevent it from rising to the head with the rising Liver Yang.
Du Zhong is an assistant ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
Part used: Dried stem bark
Nature: Warm
Taste(s): Sweet
Meridian affinity: KidneyLiver
Category: Tonic herbs for Yang Deficiency
In general Du Zhong's main actions are as follows: "Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys. Calms ascendant Liver Yang (hypertension/high blood pressure). Calms a restless fetus."
In the context of Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, it is used because it tonifies and nourishes the Liver and Kidneys in order to reinforce the root.
Sang Ji Sheng is an assistant ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
Part used: Dried stem and branch with leaf
Nature: Neutral
Meridian affinity: KidneyLiver
Category: Herbs that dispel Wind and Dampness
In general Sang Ji Sheng's main actions are as follows: "Tonifies the Liver and the Kidneys. Strengthens the tendons and bones. Relieves rheumatic conditions. Lowers hypertension."
In the context of Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, it is used because it tonifies and nourishes the Liver and Kidneys in order to reinforce the root.
Fu Shen is an assistant ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
Part used: The part of the mushroom that is attached to the host-wood, dried
Nature: Neutral
Taste(s): Sweet
Fu Shen calms the spirit and stabilizes the will. It is effective for restlessness and insomnia which are the typical symptoms of Liver Yang Rising.
Chuan Niu Xi is an assistant ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
Part used: Dried root
Nature: Neutral
Meridian affinity: KidneyLiver
Category: Herbs that invigorate the Blood
Chuan Niu Xi has a descending nature that drives the Blood downward. Together with Yi Mu Cao (Motherwort herb), they are diuretic in nature, directing pathogenic Qi and Body Fluids out via the urine.
Ye Jiao Teng is an assistant ingredient in Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.
Part used: Dried lianoid stem
Nature: Neutral
Ye Jiao Teng calms the spirit and stabilizes the will. It is effective for restlessness and insomnia which are the typical symptoms of Liver Yang Rising.
It's important to remember that herbal formulas are meant to treat patterns, not "diseases" as understood in Western Medicine. According to Chinese Medicine patterns, which are disruptions to the body as a system, are the underlying root cause for diseases and conditions.
As such Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is used by TCM practitioners to treat four different patterns which we describe below.
But before we delve into these patterns here is an overview of the Western conditions they're commonly associated with:
Insomnia Headache Dizziness Vertigo Tinnitus Cerebrovascular disease Transitory ischemic attacks Hypertension Renal hypertension Hypertensive encephalopathy Aphasia Apraxia Epilepsy Neurosis
Again it wouldn't be correct to say "Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin treats insomnia" for instance. Rather, Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is used to treat patterns that are sometimes the root cause behind insomnia.
Now let's look at the four patterns commonly treated with Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin.
The Liver is a so-called "Zang" Organ. Learn more about the Liver in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Wiry (Xian)
Tongue color: Red
Symptoms: Tinnitus Deafness Insomnia Headaches Dizziness Dry mouth Dry throat Stiff neck Dry stools Irritability Blurred vision Stiff shoulder Feeling work-up Stiff upper back Outbursts of anger Soreness and weakness of the knees Stiffness in the neck shoulder and upper back
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is sometimes prescribed by TCM practitioners to treat Liver Yang Rising. This pattern leads to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness. Patients with Liver Yang Rising typically exhibit wiry (Xian) pulses as well as Pale, normal or slightly red on the sides with no coating.
Long term Deficiency of Liver Yin, Liver Blood or Kidney Yin can cause Liver Yang rising upwards. This pattern is also called "Arrogant Liver Yang". If left unchecked for many years, it can lead to Liver Wind Agitating Internally.
The symptoms mentioned here are fairly similar to these of Stagnant... read more about Liver Yang Rising
The Liver is a so-called "Zang" Organ. Learn more about the Liver in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Rapid (Shu), Wiry (Xian), Full (Shi)
Tongue coating: Thick coating, Yellow coating
Tongue color: Red
Tongue shape: Stiff
Symptoms: Coma Tics Tingling Numbness Dizziness Paralysis Convulsions Opisthotonos Tremor of limbs High temperature Rigidity of neck
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is sometimes prescribed by TCM practitioners to treat Liver Wind agitating Internally due to extreme Heat. This pattern leads to symptoms such as high temperature, convulsions, rigidity of neck and tremor of limbs. Patients with Liver Wind agitating Internally due to extreme Heat typically exhibit rapid (Shu), wiry (Xian) or full (Shi) pulses as well as Deep red stiff tongue with dry yellow coating .
The most typical manifestation of Internal Wind is tremor, tic, numbness and tingling, dizziness, convulsions and paralysis.
Other symptoms are depends on the causes of this Internal Wind. When it is derived from extreme Heat, there are additional manifestation of high temperature.
The invasion... read more about Liver Wind agitating Internally due to extreme Heat
The Interior in Chinese Medicine is one of the so-called "Eight Principles". Learn more about Interior in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Fine (Xi), Rapid (Shu), Wiry (Xian)
Symptoms: Coma Tics Fever Anger Tremor Insomnia Dry eyes Red eyes Red face Deafness Dizziness Paralysis Headaches Back pain Dry throat Convulsions Poor memory Irritability Constipation Eye deviation Blurred vision Scanty periods Tremor of limbs Mouth deviation Numbness in the limbs Dream disturbed sleep
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is sometimes prescribed by TCM practitioners to treat Interior Wind. This pattern leads to symptoms such as convulsions, tremor of limbs, dizziness and paralysis. Patients with Interior Wind typically exhibit fine (Xi), rapid (Shu) or wiry (Xian) pulses.
Interior Wind is mostly referred to be the Liver Wind. There are 4 types of Interior Liver Wind due to the original causes:
1. Liver Wind agitating Internally due to Liver Fire
2. Liver Wind agitating Internally due to extreme Heat
The Liver is a so-called "Zang" Organ. Learn more about the Liver in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Rapid (Shu), Empty (Xu), Wiry (Xian), Fine (Xi), Floating (Fu)
Tongue color: Red
Symptoms: Coma Tremor Vertigo Tinnitus Dry eyes Insomnia Headaches Back pain Dizziness Facial tic Dry throat Poor memory Convulsions Hypertension Night sweats Blurred vision Severe dizziness Scanty urination Tingling of limbs Numbness in the limbs Dream disturbed sleep Spasms in the extremities Numbness in the extremities Twitching in the extremities Feeling of heat rushing to the head
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin is sometimes prescribed by TCM practitioners to treat Liver Wind agitating Internally due to Liver Yang Rising. This pattern leads to symptoms such as tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness and tinnitus. Patients with Liver Wind agitating Internally due to Liver Yang Rising typically exhibit rapid (Shu), empty (Xu), wiry (Xian), fine (Xi) or floating (Fu) pulses as well as Red, pale normal color with no coating.
Liver Yang Rising can create Interior Wind if the condition is left unchecked for a long time. This pattern is normally seen among the elderly.
Liver Yang Rising has different symptoms based on what caused it in the first place. If caused by Liver Yin Deficiency the symptoms includes tremors,... read more about Liver Wind agitating Internally due to Liver Yang Rising
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