Wuyi ST-15

Chinese: 屋翳

Pinyin: Wū Yì


In the 2nd intercostal space, on the mammillary line, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline. 

How to locate

First identify the mammillary line by drawing an imaginary line between the clavicular midpoint and nipple. This line is 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Palpate along this line from the top and locate Wuyi ST-15 in the second intercostal space. 

Main actions

  1. Descends Rebellious Qi and opens the chest
  2. Eases skin pain and itchiness
  3. Benefits the breasts


0.5–0.8 cun obliquely or transversely, parallel to the course of the intercostal space or with or against the channel pathway.

Caution: pneumothorax.

Commentary for Wuyi ST-15

Wuyi ST-15 is not a major point of the Stomach Channel.

Its main function is to descend Rebellious Qi and open the chest, characterized by distention and pain in the chest or lateral costal region, coughing, breathlessness and etc. 

It also eases pain and general skin itchiness.