Xialian LI-8

Chinese: 下廉

Pinyin: Xià Lián


When a fist is made, with the ulnar side downward and elbow flexed, the point is 4 cun distal to Quchi LI-11 of the line joining Yangxi LI-5 and Quchi LI-11. 

How to locate

With the hand supinated, the line connecting Yangxi LI-5 and Quchi LI-11 runs alongside the radial margin of the forearm. However, with the arm pronated, it transverses the forearm.

The forearm is recommended to be in a midposition with flexed elbow. Xialian LI-8 is located 4 cun distal to Quchi LI-11 on the line connecting Yangxi LI-5 and Quchi LI-11. 

Commentary for Xialian LI-8

Xialian LI-8 and Shanglian LI-9 (Lower and Upper Angle) are the upper limb refection of Xiajuxu ST-39 and Shangjuxu ST-37 (Lower and Upper Great Hollow) on the lower limb. 

Xialian LI-8 is indicated for Intestines disorders, especially in the Small Intestine. The typical manifestations are abdominal pain and fullness, bloody stools, diarrhea or undigested food in the stools. 

The Large Intestine Divergent Channel runs to the breast, thus it can treat breast abscess. This function is unique among the Large Intestine Channel. 

Similar to Yangxi LI-5, it also opens the Mind by clearing Fire in Bright Yang. Therefore, it is indicated for mental disease with typical symptoms such as manic behavior and mad talk or walking. 

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