Taiyang EX-HN-5

Chinese: 太阳

Pinyin: Tài Yáng


At the temple, in the tender depression approximately 1 cun posterior to the midpoint between the lateral extremity of the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye.

How to locate

First draw a line between the lateral extremity of the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye.

Then, palpate from the midpoint of this line in a lateral direction towards the temple, until reaching a distinct depression in the temporal bone.

Taiyang Ex-HN-5 is located in the center of this depression. This point tends to be pressure-sensitive, especially with temporal headaches. Patients often get relief by using acupressure on this point.

Main actions

  1. Subdues Liver Yang Rising
  2. Brightens the eyes


0.5–0.6 cun vertical insertion into the temporal muscle or obliquely in a lateral direction or transversely towards Shuaigu GB-8. This point often bleeds when needled. 

Commentary for Taiyang EX-HN-5

Taiyang EX-HN-5 is an important local point for treating headaches on the temple, caused by either Liver Yang Rising or Liver Fire

On the other hand, it benefits the eyes as well by clearing Exterior Wind-Heat or Interior Heat caused by Liver-Fire.