Vomiting Clear Liquidaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Nausea and Vomiting

Parent symptom: Vomit

Did you mean? Vomiting Frothy Saliva Vomiting Of Sour Fluids

What is Vomiting Clear Liquid?

Vomiting clear liquid is a symptom where the body expels a transparent, watery fluid from the stomach through the mouth. This condition often points to an underlying issue that could range from a simple stomach irritation to more complex health concerns. Vomiting clear liquid is distinct from other types of vomiting because the expelled substance lacks the presence of food particles or bile, indicating a possible emptiness in the stomach or a specific reaction of the body's digestive system.

How does TCM View Vomiting Clear Liquid?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, vomiting clear liquid is seen through a lens that integrates the physical, emotional, and environmental factors influencing the body's Qi, or vital energy.

TCM does not merely categorize symptoms but rather evaluates them as part of an intricate web of disharmony within the body. Understanding the specific pattern behind the symptom is crucial for TCM practitioners, as it guides the approach to treatment, emphasizing the restoration of balance and the smooth flow of Qi.

Root Causes of Vomiting Clear Liquid in TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine identifies several causes for vomiting clear liquid, attributing them to imbalances or disturbances within the body’s energetic system. Predominantly, conditions such as Phlegm-Fluids and Cold invasion are pointed out. Phlegm-Fluids accumulation can manifest through symptoms like vomiting watery fluids and a feeling of heaviness, indicating an excess dampness within.

Similarly, Cold invading the Stomach presents a sudden onset of clear fluid vomiting, often accompanied by a preference for warm drinks and a pronounced aversion to cold. These insights illustrate TCM’s nuanced understanding of such symptoms, advocating for a treatment approach that addresses the specific underlying pattern of disharmony.

Explore below more details about what might cause Vomiting clear liquid according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • By Organ
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Phlegm" as a pattern of disharmony is a complex concept that extends beyond the physical manifestation of mucus. It represents a pathological factor that can disrupt the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood, leading to various health issues. Phlegm in TCM is seen as a sticky, turbid substance arising from the body's inability to metabolize fluids properly, often due to a dysfunction of the spleen. It's not only associated with respiratory problems like cough and congestion but also with systemic issues. Symptoms can include a feeling of heaviness, mental cloudiness, dizziness, and in some cases, the formation of lumps or masses. Phlegm can even be "invisible," contributing to emotional disturbances like depression or stress. ... see more

Phlegm Patterns That Can Lead to Vomiting Clear Liquid

Common Symptoms: Abdominal Distention Chest Distension Feeling Of Heaviness Shortness Of Breath Hypochondrial Pain That Is Worse On Coughing And Breathing Coughing Lack Of Sweating Absence Of Thirst

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Phlegm-Fluids Vomiting of watery fluids, Abdominal distention, Vomiting clear liquid, Feeling of heaviness, Shortness of breath, Hypochondrial pain that is worse on coughing and breathing, Coughing, Lack of sweating, Absence of thirst, Edema, Chest distension... see more Er Chen Tang | Wen Dan Tang | Wu Ling San | Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Phlegm-Fluids in the Stomach and Small intestine Vomiting of watery fluids, Abdominal distention, Vomiting clear liquid, Dry tongue, Dry mouth without desire to drink, Stomach splashing sound, Chest distension, Diarrhea, Weight loss... see more Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang | Xiao Chai Hu Tang | Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang | Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang

TCM Herbal Formulas for Vomiting Clear Liquid

For addressing the symptom of vomiting clear liquid, TCM turns to a variety of herbal formulas and specific herbs, each corresponding to the underlying patterns identified. For Phlegm-Fluids, Er Chen Tang and Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang are recommended to dry Dampness and transform Phlegm. In cases of Cold invasion, Liang Fu Wan and Nuan Gan Jian work to promote Qi movement and warm the Interior, respectively.

When Yang Deficiency is at the root, warming the middle with formulas like Wu Zhu Yu Tang is advised. Additionally, for unclassified patterns such as Intestinal Parasites, Hua Chong Wan serves to expel the parasites effectively. These formulas underscore the importance of targeting the specific disharmony within the body to alleviate the symptom of vomiting clear liquid.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address vomiting clear liquid, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type

All Formulas Recommended for Vomiting Clear Liquid Caused by Phlegm

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang Phlegm-Fluids, Phlegm-Fluids in the Stomach and Small intestine
Er Chen Tang Phlegm-Fluids
Wen Dan Tang Phlegm-Fluids
Wu Ling San Phlegm-Fluids
Xiao Chai Hu Tang Phlegm-Fluids in the Stomach and Small intestine
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Phlegm-Fluids in the Stomach and Small intestine
Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang Phlegm-Fluids in the Stomach and Small intestine

Acupoints for Vomiting Clear Liquid

TCM also incorporates acupuncture as a vital component of treatment, with specific acupoints offering therapeutic effects for vomiting clear liquid. Qiangjian DU-18, located on the posterior midline, is recognized for its ability to expel Wind and calm the Mind, reflecting the holistic approach of TCM in treating symptoms by harmonizing the body’s energies.

See more details below about Qiangjian DU-18, an acupoint used to address vomiting clear liquid.

  • By Meridian
  • Governing Vessel
Qiangjian DU-18

Qiangjian DU-18

On the posterior midline, 1.5 cun above Naohu DU-17, midway between Fengfu DU-16 and Baihui DU-20.

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