Loss Of Consciousnessaccording to TCM

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Symptom family: Loss of Consciousness

What is Loss of Consciousness?

Loss of consciousness, commonly referred to as fainting or blacking out, is a sudden and brief lapse in a person’s wakefulness and awareness. Medically, it's defined as a state where individuals are unresponsive to external stimuli and their surroundings. This condition spans a spectrum from a brief moment of faintness to prolonged states of unconsciousness, like those seen in comatose patients. Understanding the underlying causes is vital as they can range from benign to life-threatening situations.

How does TCM view Loss of Consciousness?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets loss of consciousness as an imbalance or interruption in the flow of Qi, the vital life force. TCM practitioners believe that consciousness is closely tied to the Heart and its spiritual aspect, the Shen.

A disruption in the balance of Yin and Yang, or the presence of pathogenic factors such as Phlegm or Heat, can disturb the Shen, leading to a loss of consciousness. Identifying the root cause, which can differ vastly from person to person, is a cornerstone of TCM diagnosis and treatment.

Root Causes of Loss Of Consciousness in TCM

In the TCM paradigm, loss of consciousness can result from multiple causes, each indicating a disharmony in body systems. Phlegm Misting the Heart is a common pattern where an accumulation of Phlegm veils the mind, leading to confusion and unconsciousness.

Another pattern, Heat invading the Pericardium, presents with high fever and restlessness, potentially culminating in a loss of consciousness. TCM treatments aim not just at symptom relief but at resolving the underlying disharmony causing the symptom.

Explore below more details about what might cause Loss of consciousness according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • By Organ
Detailed description of the cause

Mind Disturbance

In TCM "Shen" refers to the mind or spirit, and a Shen disturbance is a pattern of disharmony that affects the mental and emotional state. This concept reflects the TCM belief in the deep interconnectedness of mind and body. Symptoms of Shen disturbance can vary widely but often include anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, confusion, or in severe cases, hallucinations or delirium. These symptoms indicate an imbalance in the body's energies affecting the heart, which in TCM is not only the center of blood circulation but also the seat of the mind and consciousness. The root of Shen disturbance can be traced to various factors, including emotional stress, physical illness, or an imbalance in fundamental substances like Qi, Yin, or Yang.... see more

Mind Disturbance Patterns That Can Lead to Loss Of Consciousness

Common Symptoms: Incoherent Or Confused Speech Fever Irritability Restlessness Feeling Of Uneasiness Viral Encephalitis Meningitis Pertussis

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Phlegm Misting the Heart Sudden blackouts, Unconsciousness, Confusion, Loss of consciousness, Hypersomnia, Incoherent or confused speech, Slurred speech, Aphasia, Noisy breathing, Vomit... see more Wen Dan Tang | Di Tan Tang | Gun Tan Wan | Su He Xiang Wan
Heat invading the Pericardium Impaired consciousness, Fever, Irritability, Restlessness, Feeling of uneasiness, Incoherent or confused speech, Loss of consciousness, Viral encephalitis, Meningitis, Pertussis, Measles induced pneumonia... see more Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan

TCM Herbal Formulas for Loss Of Consciousness

The herbal formula Wen Dan Tang is often prescribed when Phlegm Misting the Heart is diagnosed, as it contains ingredients like Crow-Dipper Rhizomes to clear the phlegm. In cases of Heat invading the Pericardium, Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan, with Ox Gallstones, may be utilized to cool the Heat and restore consciousness.

The herbs chosen reflect the individual’s specific pattern of disharmony, ensuring a targeted approach to reinstate the balanced flow of Qi and awaken the mind.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address loss of consciousness, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type

All Formulas Recommended for Loss Of Consciousness Caused by Mind Disturbance

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan Heat invading the Pericardium
Wen Dan Tang Phlegm Misting the Heart
Di Tan Tang Phlegm Misting the Heart
Gun Tan Wan Phlegm Misting the Heart
Su He Xiang Wan Phlegm Misting the Heart

Acupoints for Loss Of Consciousness

TCM employs various acupoints to treat loss of consciousness, depending on the identified pattern of disharmony. Baihui DU-20 is a prominent point used to expel internal Wind and regulate the Mind, while Renzhong DU-26 is renowned for its effectiveness in restoring consciousness.

Acupoints like Laogong P-8 are selected to clear Heart Fire when excess Heat disturbs mental clarity. In TCM, stimulating these acupoints is believed to harmonize the disrupted energies, aiding in the recovery of consciousness.

Explore below some acupoints used to address loss of consciousness, organized by meridian.

  • By Meridian
  • Governing Vessel
  • Pericardium Channel
  • Bladder Channel
Yamen DU-15

Yamen DU-15

On the back of the neck, 0.5 cun directly above the midpoint of the posterior hairline, below the spinous process of 1st cervical vertebra (C1).

Baihui DU-20

Baihui DU-20

At the vertex, at the junction of a line connecting the apex of the ears and the midline, in the depression 7 cun above the posterior hairline and 5 cun behind the anterior hairline.

Suliao DU-25

Suliao DU-25

In a depression on the tip of the nose.

Renzhong DU-26

Renzhong DU-26

Below the nose, a little above the midpoint of the philtrum.

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