What is Pale Urine?

Pale urine, known medically as pallid or light-colored urination, is a condition where the urine appears less concentrated and more clear than usual. This symptom can be temporary, often influenced by factors like hydration levels or dietary changes. In certain cases, however, persistent pale urine may indicate underlying health issues. Variations like pale and abundant urination or scanty clear urination are sub-symptoms that provide additional clues about an individual's health status.

How does TCM view Pale Urine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches pale urine as a symptom reflecting internal imbalances within the body’s energy systems. In TCM, the color and nature of urine provide valuable insights into the state of the body's vital energy (Qi) and the balance between Yin and Yang.

Conditions like Yang Deficiency or Yin Excess are often considered when analyzing this symptom. TCM practitioners focus on identifying the root cause behind pale urine, aiming to restore harmony and balance within the body.

Root Causes of Pale Urine in TCM

In TCM, pale urine is associated with specific patterns of imbalance. One common cause is Yang Deficiency with or without Empty Yang, where symptoms like general coldness, weakness, and abdominal pain relieved by warmth often accompany pale urine.

Another pattern is Yin Excess, characterized by an absence of thirst, slow movements, and nausea, along with pale urine. These patterns highlight the intricate connections TCM makes between various bodily symptoms and the underlying state of Qi and bodily organs.

Explore below more details about what might cause Pale urine according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • By Organ
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Cold" as a pattern of disharmony refers to a specific type of imbalance within the body's systems, often linked to a deficiency or weakness. It's not about feeling physically cold or having a common cold, but rather a metaphorical description of certain symptoms and underlying conditions. When a TCM practitioner says someone suffers from "Cold," it usually implies that the body's Yang energy, which is warm and active, is insufficient or overpowered by Yin energy, which is cool and passive. Symptoms of Cold in TCM can include a general feeling of coldness, cold limbs, pale complexion, low energy, slow metabolism, and a preference for warmth. ... see more

Cold Patterns That Can Lead to Pale Urine

Common Symptoms: Pale And Abudant Urination Chills Diarrhea Cold Extremities Frequent And Urgent Urination Urination Stopping In The Middle Of Flow Upper Abdominal Heaviness Urethral Heaviness

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Damp-Cold in the Bladder Pale urine, Frequent and urgent urination, Urination stopping in the middle of flow, Upper abdominal heaviness, Urethral heaviness, Cloudy urine... see more Ba Zheng San | Wu Lin San | Shi Wei San
Bladder Deficient and Cold Pale and abudant urination, Frequent urination, Urinary or fecal incontinence, Enuresis, Lower back pain, Dizziness, Nocturia, White urethral discharge, Chills... see more Sang Piao Xiao San | Suo Quan Wan
Small Intestine Deficient and Cold Pale and abudant urination, Borborygmi, Abdominal pain relieved by pressure or eating, Craving for hot beverages, Diarrhea, Cold extremities... see more Xiao Jian Zhong Tang | Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
Lesser Yin Cold Transformation Frequent pale urination, Chills, Diarrhea, Absence of thirst, Desire to lie down curled up, Low energy, Hypersomnia, Cold extremities... see more Si Ni Tang
Wind-Cold-Water invading the Lungs Scanty clear urination, Ocular swelling, Shiny complexion, Fever, Coughing, Shortness of breath, Aversion to cold, Facial edema... see more Xiao Qing Long Tang

TCM Herbal Formulas for Pale Urine

Addressing pale urine in TCM involves using herbal formulas that correspond to the identified imbalances. For Yang Deficiency, a formula like Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, which contains Prepared rehmannia, is used to nourish Yin and tonify the body.

In cases of Yin Excess, Wu Ling San, featuring Water Plantain, can be effective in promoting urination and leaching out Dampness. For patterns like Damp-Cold in the Bladder, Ba Zheng San, with its key herb Chinese Pink Herbs, clears Heat and expels dampness. These formulas are tailored to the individual's TCM diagnosis, focusing on holistic healing.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address pale urine, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type

All Formulas Recommended for Pale Urine Caused by Cold

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Ba Zheng San Damp-Cold in the Bladder
Wu Lin San Damp-Cold in the Bladder
Shi Wei San Damp-Cold in the Bladder
Sang Piao Xiao San Bladder Deficient and Cold
Suo Quan Wan Bladder Deficient and Cold
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
Si Ni Tang Lesser Yin Cold Transformation
Xiao Qing Long Tang Wind-Cold-Water invading the Lungs

Acupoints for Pale Urine

TCM also utilizes acupuncture as a part of the treatment strategy. For pale urine, specific acupoints on the Governing Vessel are recommended. Dazhui (DU-14), located at the base of the neck, is used to clear Wind-Heat, release the Exterior, and tonify Yang.

Mingmen (DU-4), on the lower back, is another crucial point that tonifies Kidney Yang, warms the Gate of Life, and strengthens the Original Qi. These acupoints are selected to address the underlying patterns contributing to the symptom of pale urine, aiming to restore the body's natural balance and health.

Explore below some acupoints used to address pale urine, organized by meridian.

  • By Meridian
  • Governing Vessel
Mingmen DU-4

Mingmen DU-4

On the lower back midline, in the depression below the spinous process of the 2nd lumber vertebra (L2).

Dazhui DU-14

Dazhui DU-14

On the midline at the base of the neck, in the depression below the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7).

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