Wind-Cold invading with Blood and Yin Deficiency

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 风寒兼血阴虚      Pinyin name: Fēng Hán Jiān Xuè Yīn Xū

Pattern nature: Full/Empty combined pattern

Pattern(s) it combines from: Wind-Cold Blood Deficiency Yin Deficiency


Common causes: 1. Chronic diseases, 2. Significant blood loss, 3. Wind-Cold



Treatment principle: Expel Wind-Cold, nourish Blood and Yin

Common formulas: Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin


Exterior Wind-Cold invasion is characterized by the classic symptoms of a wind-cold invasion, such as headache, fever, and chills. These symptoms arise when the body is exposed to external pathogenic factors like wind and cold, leading to the typical responses seen in such conditions.

Blood or Yin Deficiency often stems from long-term illness or significant blood loss. Blood and Yin in TCM are vital substances that nourish and moisten the body. Their Deficiency leads to a weakened state, making the body more susceptible to external pathogenic factors. Additionally, a Deficiency in Blood or Yin means the body lacks the necessary resources to respond effectively to these external challenges.

The presence of fever and chills indicates the external Wind-Cold factor. However, the chills are not strong, reflecting the body's debilitated state due to Blood or Yin deficiency.

The absence of sweating is a key symptom here. While Wind-Cold disorders typically suppress sweating, the inability to sweat is further exacerbated by the Blood or Yin Deficiency. The body requires adequate Blood and Yin to produce sweat, and their deficiency hampers this natural response.


Chronic diseases : Chronic diseases consumes Yin.

Significant blood loss:


Diagnosing Wind-Cold invading with Blood and Yin Deficiency

Main symptoms: Fever Headaches No sweating Slight chills

Diagnosis commentary: Key characteristic symptoms of this pattern are weak chills without sweating, headache, fever, and symptoms of Blood/Yin Deficiency like dryness and fatigue.

Treating Wind-Cold invading with Blood and Yin Deficiency

Treatment principle

Expel Wind-Cold, nourish Blood and Yin 

Herbal formulas used to treat Wind-Cold invading with Blood and Yin Deficiency

Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin

Source date: 752 AD

Number of ingredients: 6 herbs

Key actions: Nourishes the Blood . Release the Exterior .

Formula summary

Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin is a 6-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 752 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that clear Exterior disorders with Interior deficiency.

Read more about Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin

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