Stomach Qi Deficiency

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 胃气虚      Pinyin name: Wèi Qì Xū

Pattern nature: Empty

Common combinations: Stomach and Spleen Qi Deficiency


Precursor patterns: Spleen Qi Deficiency Stomach Yang Deficient and Cold

Common causes: 1. Diet, 2. Chronic diseases


Common symptoms: Tiredness in the morning

Pulse type(s): Empty (Xu)

Tongue description: Pale tongue


Treatment principle: Tonify Stomach Qi

Common formulas: Si Jun Zi Tang


Stomach Qi Deficiency is one of the most commonly seen patterns in TCM practices and it is also a very typical cause of chronic fatigue, a very contemporary condition! 

The Stomach is the origin of Post-Heaven Qi since it starts the Qi creating process by receiving ingested food and drinks and then rots and ripes them. When Stomach Qi is weak, all other Organs suffer. Fatigue is the main symptom and it is especially obvious in the morning because the Stomach functions are usually the most active at that time.

The weak feeling of limbs are another manifestation because the weakened Stomach Qi can not direct the food Essence to the limbs.  


Precursor patterns: Stomach Qi Deficiency can derive from Spleen Qi Deficiency Stomach Yang Deficient and Cold

Diet: Diet is the most common reason for any Stomach disharmonies. Irregular eating schedule, undereating, or a diet poor in protein and nutrition leads to the Deficiency of Stomach Qi.

Chronic diseases: Chronic diseases harm body Qi in general, which includes Stomach Qi. It is quite common to see the weakened Stomach Qi after a prolonged illness such as glandular fever.

Diagnosing Stomach Qi Deficiency

Pulse type(s): Empty (Xu)

Tongue description: Pale tongue

Main symptoms: Tiredness in the morning

Diagnosis commentary: Key characteristic symptoms of this pattern are the tiredness in the morning and a weak Stomach pulse.

Treating Stomach Qi Deficiency

Treatment principle

Tonify Stomach Qi 

Herbal formulas used to treat Stomach Qi Deficiency

Si Jun Zi Tang

Source date: 1107 AD

Number of ingredients: 4 herbs

Key actions: Tonifies Qi. Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach.

Formula summary

Si Jun Zi Tang is a 4-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1107 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that tonify Qi.

Besides Stomach Qi Deficiency, Si Jun Zi Tang is also used to treat Qi Deficiency or Spleen and Lung Qi Deficiency.

Read more about Si Jun Zi Tang

Consequence patterns

Large Intestine Dryness

Stomach Qi Deficiency is often the precursor of the pattern of Large Intestine Dryness. 

Stomach Yin Deficiency

If Stomach Qi Deficiency persists for many years, it can eventually develop to Yin Deficiency in the Stomach. 

Stomach Qi Stagnation

Sometimes this pattern also leads to Qi Stagnation in the Stomach, which then develops further to Stomach Blood Stagnation. 

Stomach Blood Stagnation

Sometimes this pattern also leads to Qi Stagnation in the Stomach, which then develops further to Stomach Blood Stagnation. 


When the Stomach Qi is Deficient, its normal Qi descending function is disturbed, resulting in the formation of Phlegm. 

Spleen Qi Deficiency

The Spleen and Stomach are closely related, the Deficiency of one Organ's Qi affect the other one. Therefore, Spleen Qi Deficiency often results from the pattern of Stomach Qi Deficiency and vice versa. 

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