
At a glance

Preliminary reading: What is a pattern?


Common symptoms: Tinnitus Back pain Knee pain Dizziness Sore back and fourteen other symptoms

Pulse type(s): Deep (Chen), Weak (Ruo)

Tongue color: Pale


Kidney-Deficiency is a pattern of disharmony in Chinese Medicine.

Chinese Medicine views the human body as a complex system that tends toward harmony. A pattern of disharmony is a disorder that prevents that harmony from occurring.

Patterns give rise to symptoms that may at first glance seem unrelated from a Western standpoint but that actually make a lot of sense when one understands Chinese Medicine theory. For instance here Kidney-Deficiency gives rise to such diverse symptoms as scanty periods, pale menstrual blood, back pain and knee pain (as well as fifteen others).

To diagnose a pattern, analyzing a patient's pulse as well as their tongue is common practice. In the case of Kidney-Deficiency patients tend to exhibit deep (Chen) or weak (Ruo) pulses as well as a pale tongue.

Patterns aren't exactly the Chinese Medicine equivalent to Western diseases, they're rather the underlying causes behind diseases or health conditions. Here Kidney-Deficiency is thought to sometimes induce conditions such as abnormal uterine bleeding or scanty menstruation.

Diagnosing Kidney-Deficiency

Treating Kidney-Deficiency

Herbal formulas used to treat Kidney-Deficiency

Zuo Gui Wan

Source date: 1624 AD

Number of ingredients: 8 herbs

Key actions: Nourishes the Yin. Strengthens the Kidneys. Fills the Essence. Augments the marrow.

Formula summary

Zuo Gui Wan is a 8-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1624 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that nourish Yin and tonify.

Besides Kidney-Deficiency, Zuo Gui Wan is also used to treat Kidney Essence Deficiency or Yin Deficiency.

Read more about Zuo Gui Wan

You Gui Wan

Source date: 1624 AD

Number of ingredients: 10 herbs

Key actions: Warms and tonifies Kidney Yang. Replenishes the Essence. Tonifies the Blood.

Formula summary

You Gui Wan is a 10-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1624 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that warm Yang and tonify.

Besides Kidney-Deficiency, You Gui Wan is also used to treat Kidney Qi not Firm or Yang Deficiency or Empty Yang.

Read more about You Gui Wan

Er Zhi Wan

Source date: 1534 AD

Number of ingredients: 2 herbs

Key actions: Nourishes Liver Yin. Nourishes Kidney Yin.

Formula summary

Er Zhi Wan is a 2-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1534 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that nourish Yin and tonify.

Besides Kidney-Deficiency, Er Zhi Wan is also used to treat Kidney Yin Deficiency or Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood.

Read more about Er Zhi Wan

He Che Da Zao Wan

Number of ingredients: 11 herbs

Key actions: Tonifies the Kidneys. Strengthens the Directing and Penetrating Vessels. Regulates the periods.

Formula summary

He Che Da Zao Wan is a 11-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. It belongs to the category of formulas that tonify Yin and Yang.

Besides Kidney-Deficiency, He Che Da Zao Wan is also used to treat Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency or Spleen or Kidney Qi Deficiency.

Read more about He Che Da Zao Wan

Liang Di Tang

Source date: 1826 AD

Number of ingredients: 6 herbs

Key actions: Nourishes Yin. Cools Blood. Stop bleeding.

Formula summary

Liang Di Tang is a 6-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1826 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that nourish Yin and tonify.

Besides Kidney-Deficiency, Liang Di Tang is also used to treat Heat in the Blood or Kidney Yin Deficiency.

Read more about Liang Di Tang

Dang Gui Di Huang Yin

Source date: 1640 AD

Number of ingredients: 7 herbs

Key actions: Nourishes Blood. Tonifies Kidney and Liver Yin. Regulates the menstrual cycle.

Formula summary

Dang Gui Di Huang Yin is a 7-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1640 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that tonify Blood.

Besides Kidney-Deficiency, Dang Gui Di Huang Yin is also used to treat Kidney Yin Deficiency or Liver Blood and Kidney Essence Deficiency.

Read more about Dang Gui Di Huang Yin

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang

Source date: 1180 AD

Number of ingredients: 10 herbs

Key actions: Warms and tonifies Qi. Warms and tonifies Blood.

Formula summary

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang is a 10-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1180 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that tonify Yin and Yang.

Besides Kidney-Deficiency, Shi Quan Da Bu Tang is also used to treat Qi and Blood Deficiency.

Read more about Shi Quan Da Bu Tang

Special highlight: the link between scanty menstruation and Kidney-Deficiency

Dong Quai (Dang Gui) is the key herb for Dang Gui Di Huang Yin, a formula used for scanty menstruation caused by Kidney-Deficiency

Kidney Yin Deficiency can be the result of hereditary weakness, overwork under stress or having too many children or abortions too close to each other. With this pattern, Body Fluids is depleted and Kidney Essence fails to fill the 'Sea of Blood' and the Penetrating and Directing Vessels. Thus periods become scanty. 

Even though the mentioned symptoms are typically caused by Kidney Yin Deficiency, this pattern name is just Kidney Deficiency. It is because Kidney Yang and Yin are interdependent...Read more about scanty menstruation

Special highlight: the link between abnormal uterine bleeding and Kidney-Deficiency

Prepared Aconite (Zhi Fu Zi) is the key herb for You Gui Wan, a formula used for abnormal uterine bleeding caused by Kidney-Deficiency

Kidney Deficiency is one of the major causes of abnormal uterine bleeding. The Kidneys can be lacking of either Kidney Yang or Yin or both at the same time. Women who have experienced long childbirth and lost a large amount of blood are most susceptible to this pattern. 

In case of Kidney Yang (or Qi) Deficiency, the Directing and Penetrating Vessels can not contain Blood as they're supposed to and thus the Blood leaks. For younger girls, it can be due to hereditary Kidney weakness. While for...Read more about abnormal uterine bleeding

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