Heat in Lessor Yang

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 热入少阳      Pinyin name: Rè Rù Shǎo Yáng

Pattern nature: Full


Common causes: 1. Diet, 2. Environmental Influences:


Common symptoms: Fever Diarrhea Tenesmus sticky taste Abdominal pain and four other symptoms

Pulse type(s): Floating (Fu), Rapid (Shu)

Tongue coating: Yellow coating

Tongue color: Red


Treatment principle: Clear Heat, harmonizes the Stomach and Spleen (Middle Burner)

Common formulas: Huang Qin Tang


This pattern often presents as a diarrhea or dysenteric disorder. This condition arises when Heat accumulates in the Lesser Yang, creating a disturbance that forces its way into the Stomach and Intestines.

Initially, an external pathogen obstructs the protective Qi in the Greater Yang, leading to fever. As this pathogen sinks deeper, it enters the Lesser Yang, where it causes a bitter taste in the mouth due to the constraint of ministerial Fire.

The Lesser Yang, functioning between the Greater Yang and Yang Brightness, typically discharges Yang Qi's Heat outward. However, when this discharge is impeded, the trapped Heat disturbs the Stomach and Intestines, leading to symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea.

This "hot" diarrhea is characterized by sticky, foul-smelling stools, and may include anal irritation, burning, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, there may be tenesmus. The presence of Heat in the body is indicated by a yellow coating on the tongue and a rapid, flooding pulse. This pattern demonstrates the complexities of Heat dynamics within the lesser yang and its impact on digestive health.


Diet: Consumption of spicy, greasy, or hot foods that generate internal heat.

Environmental Influences: : Exposure to external pathogenic factors, particularly those related to changes in weather, such as sudden shifts to warmer temperatures or exposure to hot and humid conditions.

Diagnosing Heat in Lessor Yang

Pulse type(s): Floating (Fu) or rapid (Shu)

Tongue coating: Yellow coating

Tongue color: Red

Main symptoms: Fever Diarrhea Tenesmus sticky taste Abdominal pain Anal irritation Burning abdominal pain Bitter taste in the mouth Loose stools with foul smell

Diagnosis commentary: ever, bitter taste in the mouth, hot diarrhea with sticky, foul-smelling stools, vomiting, anal irritation, abdominal pain, tenesmus, a yellow tongue

Treating Heat in Lessor Yang

Treatment principle

Clear Heat, harmonizes the Stomach and Spleen (Middle Burner)

Herbal formulas used to treat Heat in Lessor Yang

Huang Qin Tang

Source date: 220 AD

Number of ingredients: 4 herbs

Key actions: Clears Heat. Alleviates dysenteric disorders. Stops pain . Harmonizes the Middle Burner.

Formula summary

Huang Qin Tang is a 4-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 220 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that clear Heat from the Organs.

Read more about Huang Qin Tang

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