Chinese: 独参汤
Pinyin: Dú Cān Tāng
Other names: Unaccompanied Ginseng Decoction
Chinese: 独参汤
Pinyin: Dú Cān Tāng
Other names: Unaccompanied Ginseng Decoction
Ingredients: 1 herbs
Category: Formulas that rescue devastated Yang
Contraindications: This formula is to strengthens the exhausted Qi associated with acute, severe... This formula is to strengthens the exhausted Qi associated with acute, severe blood loss. It is not fore chronic use. see more
Source: Miraculous Book of Ten Remedies (1348 AD)
The information provided here is not a replacement for a doctor. You shouldn't use it for the purpose of self-diagnosing or self-medicating but rather so you can have a more informed discussion with a professional TCM practitioner.
Du Shen Tang is a 1-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula with Ginseng (Ren Shen) as a principal ingredient.
Invented in 1348 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that rescue devastated Yang. Its main actions are: 1) tonifies the Original Qi and 2) stabilizes from collapse.
On this page, after a detailed description of each of the one ingredients in Du Shen Tang, we review the patterns and conditions that Du Shen Tang helps treat.
Ren Shen is a king ingredient in Du Shen Tang. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.
Part used: Dried root
Nature: Warm
Meridian affinity: HeartLungSpleen
Category: Tonic herbs for Qi Deficiency
Ren Shen is for acute, severe blood loss or heart failure characterized by an extremely pale complexion, lethargic
state, cold extremities, excessive sweating, weak breathing, and a faint or thin pulse that is almost imperceptible. This is called Qi Collapse following the loss of blood.
Qi is one of Chinese Medicine's vital subtances. Learn more about Qi in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Empty (Xu), Weak (Ruo)
Tongue color: Pale
Symptoms: Tinnitus Tiredness Dizziness Weak voice Hemorrhoids Listlessness Loose stools Anus prolapse Poor appetite Uterus prolapse Kidney prolapse Vagina prolapse Bladder prolapse Stomach prolapse Chronic diarrhoea Mental depression Intestines prolapse Shortness of breath Spontaneous sweating Incontinence of urine Frequent and urgent urination Bearing down sensation in abdomen
Du Shen Tang is sometimes prescribed by TCM practitioners to treat Qi Collapsing or Qi Sinking. This pattern leads to symptoms such as uterus prolapse, bladder prolapse, stomach prolapse and kidney prolapse. Patients with Qi Collapsing or Qi Sinking typically exhibit empty (Xu) or weak (Ruo) pulses as well as Pale tongue with white coating.
Qi Collapse (or "Qi Sinking") is a form of Qi Deficiency so there are overlapping symptoms such as general weakness, fatigue, aversion to speak, short of breath, dizziness and etc.
On top of that, the weakened Qi fails to perform its holding functions, hence the prolapsing of the Organs. The... read more about Qi Collapsing or Qi Sinking
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Sheng Mai San is 33% similar to Du Shen Tang
Si Jun Zi Tang is 25% similar to Du Shen Tang
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Si Mo Tang is 25% similar to Du Shen Tang
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