The information provided here is not a replacement for a doctor. You shouldn't use it for the purpose of self-diagnosing or self-medicating but rather so you can have a more informed discussion with a professional TCM practitioner.
Possible causes and remedies:
Symptoms: Thirst Toothache Headaches and three other symptoms
Recommended formula: Yu Nu Jian
Symptoms: Anxiety Vertigo Sweating and twenty nine other symptoms
Recommended formula: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan and five other formulas
In Chinese Medicine, viral myocarditis can be associated with two so-called "patterns of disharmony". Chinese Medicine sees the body as a system, not a sum of isolated parts. A "pattern" is when the system's harmony is disrupted. It is not equivalent to the Western concept of "disease", as a matter of fact here viral myocarditis can be caused by two different patterns.
To understand whether someone's viral myocarditis might be caused by a given pattern, one needs to look for signs and symptoms associated with the pattern beyond what one might typically experience from viral myocarditis alone. For instance when viral myocarditis is caused by the pattern Stomach Fire or Stomach Heat, patients also experience symptoms such as toothache, headaches, loose teeth and bleeding gums. Similarly, patients with Stomach Fire or Stomach Heat typically exhibit floating (Fu) or slippery (Hua) pulses as well as a red tongue with yellow coating.
We've listed below a description of the two patterns associated with viral myocarditis so that you can start to get an understanding of the various possibilities according to Chinese Medicine.
Once identified, patterns are often treated using herbal formulas. Drinking herbal infusions is the most common remedy in Chinese Medicine, together with acupuncture. Here we detail below six formulas that can help treat the various patterns associated with viral myocarditis, depending on which pattern fits your profile.
The Stomach is a so-called "Fu" Organ. Learn more about the Stomach in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Floating (Fu), Slippery (Hua)
Tongue coating: Yellow coating
Tongue color: Red
Recommended herbal formula: Yu Nu Jian
Symptoms: Thirst Toothache Headaches Loose teeth Irritability Bleeding gums
Viral myocarditis might be due to Stomach Fire or Stomach Heat if the condition is paired with typical pattern symptoms such as toothache, headaches, loose teeth and bleeding gums. Similarly, patients with Stomach Fire or Stomach Heat typically exhibit floating (Fu) or slippery (Hua) pulses as well as a red tongue with yellow coating.
The Kidneys is a so-called "Zang" Organ. Learn more about the Kidneys in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Rapid (Shu), Empty (Xu), Floating (Fu)
Tongue coating: Complete absence of coating
Tongue color: Red
Tongue shape: Cracked
Recommended herbal formulas: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Zuo Gui Wan, Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan, Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang, Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan, Yu Nu Jian
Symptoms: Anxiety Vertigo Sweating Tinnitus Insomnia Back pain Tiredness Lassitude Dizziness Bone ache Depression Infertility Malar flush Poor memory Constipation Night sweats Little sperm Restlnessness Five palm heat Lower back pain Evening anxiety Poor constitution Diminished hearing Nocturnal emissions Scanty dark urination Premature ejaculation Menopausal hot flushes Excessive sexual desire Dry mouth and throat at night Feeling of heat in the evening Low-grade fever in the afternoon Thirst with desire to drink in small sips
This pattern often accompanies Kidney Essence Deficiency, as Kidney Yin includes Essence. When both element are depleted in the Kidneys, not enough Marrow is generated to fill the Brain, thus the symptoms of dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo and poor memory. The dizziness is mild and the tinnitus is often gradual and slow, like a rushing water sound. Marrow is also essential for nourishing the bones, thus the pattern also leads to symptoms like back and bone pain.
Essence Deficiency also gives rise to symptoms like nocturnal emissions, infertility or little sperm.
Body Fluids is also a form of Yin, therefore Yin Deficiency causes some degree of Dryness, resulting constipation, scanty dark urine as well as a dry mouth and throat, especially at night.
When Kidney Yin Deficiency proceed for a long time without being treated properly, it can develop some Empty Heat symptoms such as night sweats, five palm heat, feeling of heat or fever in the afternoon or evening, malar flush, thirst but only with desire to drink in small sips and anxiety in the evening.
The top herbs in Yu Nu Jian are Gypsum (Shi Gao), Prepared Rehmannia (Shu Di huang) and Anemarrhena Rhizomes (Zhi Mu)
Source date: 1624 AD
Number of ingredients: 5 herbs
Key actions: Clears stomach Heat. Nourishes Kidney Yin.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help with the patterns Stomach Fire or Stomach Heat and Kidney Yin Deficiency which are sometimes associated with viral myocarditis. If any of these patterns look like something you might suffer from, this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Zhi Zi Chi Tang are Cape Jasmine Fruits (Zhi Zi) and Fermented Soybeans (Dan Dou Chi)
Source date: 220 AD
Number of ingredients: 2 herbs
Key actions: Clears Heat. Alleviates restlessness and irritability.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with viral myocarditis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
Source date: 1202 AD
Number of ingredients: 14 herbs
Key actions: Clears Toxic-Heat. Clears Wind-Heat .
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with viral myocarditis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan are Baikal Skullcap Roots (Huang Qin), Talc (Hua Shi) and Virgate Wormwood (Yin Chen)
Source date: 1831 AD
Number of ingredients: 11 herbs
Key actions: Resolves Dampness and transforms turbidity. Clears Heat and resolves Toxicity .
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with viral myocarditis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Yu Nu Tang are Gypsum (Shi Gao), Prepared Rehmannia (Shu Di huang) and Anemarrhena Rhizomes (Zhi Mu)
Source date: 1624 AD
Number of ingredients: 4 herbs
Key actions: Drains heat from the Stomach. Nourishes the Yin.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with viral myocarditis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Zhi Gan Cao Tang are Liquorice (Gan Cao), Unprepared Rehmannia (Di Huang) and Ginseng (Ren Shen)
Source date: 220 AD
Number of ingredients: 10 herbs
Key actions: Augments the Qi. Nourishes Yin. Nourishes the Blood. Restores the pulse.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with viral myocarditis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
Toothache Headaches Loose teeth Bleeding gums Irritability Thirst Sweating Back pain Diminished hearing Dry mouth and throat at night