Pathway for Yang Stepping Vessel
It originates from the lateral side of the heel, flowing to Shenmai BL-62 before the external malleolus.
After passing Pushe BL-61 and Fuyang BL-59 around the external malleolus, the pathway ascends, along the lateral side of lower leg and thigh, and reaches Juliao GB-29 at the hip.
It continues ascending the side of the body to Naoshu SI-10 of the shoulder, where it connects with the Small Intestine Channel and the Yang Linking Vessel .
Afterwards, it goes up the outside of the shoulder and crosses the Large Intestine Channel at Jianyu LI-15 and Jugu LI-16 .
Passing Renying ST-9 of the throat, it continues ascending to Dicang ST-4 lateral to the corner of the mouth, which is also the meeting point for the Large Intestine , Stomach Channel as well as the Directing Vessel .
Then it ascends the cheek by passing Juliao ST-3 and Chengqi ST-1 , it reaches Jingming BL-1 at the inner canthus, where it meets the Small Intestine, Bladder and Stomach Channels as well as the Yin Stepping Vessel .
Finally it flows over the skull, passing behind the ear and terminate at Fengchi GB-20 at the occiput area.