Taiyi ST-23

Chinese: 太乙

Pinyin: Tài Yǐ


2 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline. 

How to locate

There are 8 cun between the sternocostal angle and the center of the umbilicus. Taiyi ST-23 is 6 cun below the sternocostal angle and 2 cun above the umbilicus. It is also 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Or first identify Liangmen ST-21 which is the midpoint between the sternocostal angle and the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Then measure 2 cun below ST-21. 

Main actions

  1. Calms the Mind
  2. Harmonizes the Middle Burner


Vertically 0.5–1 cun.

Caution: Peritoneum, pregnancy.

Commentary for Taiyi ST-23

Taiyi ST-23's main function is to calm the Mind and ease emotional problems. 

Most importantly, this point can be stimulated to resolve Phlegm, which is often the result of Spleen dysfunction. Several Stomach Channel points can assist the Spleen in transforming Dampness or Phlegm. If not solved, the Phlegm (often with Heat) rises and mists the Heart, as a result it lead to symptoms such as depression.

Also, the Heart opens to the tongue. Therefore the tongue movement could be out of control when Phlegm-Heat mists the Heart. The tongue repeatedly thrust out of the mouth like a snake's tongue. There might be also numbness or cracks on tongue. 

Furthermore, Taiyi ST-23 harmonizes the Middle Burner such as the Stomach or epigastrium. 

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