Prolonged Menstrual Periodsaccording to TCM

What is Prolonged Menstrual Periods?

Prolonged menstrual periods refer to a condition where menstruation extends beyond the normal length of time. This varies from woman to woman, but generally, periods lasting longer than seven days can be considered prolonged. Such extended menstrual cycles can be a source of discomfort and may also signal underlying health issues.

How does TCM View Prolonged Menstrual Periods?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches prolonged menstrual periods as a symptom of imbalances within the body. Unlike Western medicine, which often focuses on the symptom itself, TCM seeks to understand the underlying disharmony causing it.

Prolonged menstruation is viewed through the lens of holistic health, where physical symptoms are intertwined with the body's Qi (energy), blood, and organ systems. Identifying the specific pattern of disharmony is crucial for effective TCM treatment.

Root Causes of Prolonged Menstrual Periods in TCM

TCM identifies several patterns that could lead to prolonged menstrual periods. One such pattern is Qi Deficiency, characterized by a lack of vital energy, leading to symptoms like generalized fatigue, weakness, and a prolonged menstrual flow.

This can often be associated with Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency, indicating a deeper imbalance in the body's energy system. Another pattern involves Blood Stasis, where the circulation of blood is impeded, resulting in longer menstruation. TCM treatments aim to rebalance these energies, focusing on nourishing Qi and improving blood circulation.

Explore below more details about what might cause Prolonged menstrual periods according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • By Organ
  • Qi Deficiency
Detailed description of the cause

Qi Deficiency

Qi Deficiency in TCM is like running low on battery power. Qi is the vital energy that powers every function in your body. When there's a Qi Deficiency, it means your body doesn't have enough of this essential energy. This can make you feel tired all the time, weak, or even cause shortness of breath. It's similar to how you feel when you haven't had enough sleep or nutritious food. Your body just doesn't have the energy it needs to perform at its best. Unlike modern medicine, which often focuses on specific physical causes for fatigue and weakness, TCM views Qi Deficiency as an overall energy depletion that affects your entire well-being, and it seeks to replenish and balance this vital energy.... see more

Qi Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Prolonged Menstrual Periods

Common Symptoms: Lack Of Appetite Shortness Of Breath Palpitations Nocturnal Emission Thin Menstrual Blood Pale Menstrual Flow Excessive Menstruation General Weakness

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Qi Deficiency Prolonged menses, General weakness, Weak voice, Generalized fatigue, Low energy, Reluctance to speak, Spontaneous sweat, Frequent colds or flu, Lack of appetite, Diarrhea, Shortness of breath... see more Si Jun Zi Tang | Liu Jun Zi Tang
Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency Prolonged menses, Excessive menstruation, Pale menstrual flow, Thin menstrual blood, Prolonged menstrual periods, Shortness of breath, Palpitations... see more Gu Chong Tang
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Spleen plays a vital role in digestion and transformation, converting food into energy and nutrients, and overseeing the distribution of Qi and Blood. It's also crucial in maintaining the health of muscles and limbs and ensuring the blood remains within the vessels. When the Spleen malfunctions in TCM, it can lead to a variety of issues such as digestive disorders, fatigue, weak muscles, bloating, and a feeling of heaviness. It can also cause a pale complexion, poor appetite, and a tendency to bruise easily. Emotionally, a Spleen imbalance is often associated with excessive worry or overthinking, reflecting its role in the interplay between physical and mental health.... see more

Spleen Patterns That Can Lead to Prolonged Menstrual Periods

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency Prolonged menses, Excessive menstruation, Pale menstrual flow, Thin menstrual blood, Prolonged menstrual periods, Shortness of breath, Palpitations... see more Gu Chong Tang
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Kidneys are regarded as the body's most fundamental reservoir of Essence, known as Jing, which influences growth, reproduction, and aging. They are not just organs for filtering blood, but a holistic system governing vital life forces. When the Kidneys malfunction in TCM, it can manifest as a variety of health issues, such as chronic fatigue, reproductive problems, imbalances in fluid metabolism leading to edema or dryness, lower back pain, and a sense of fear or insecurity.... see more

Kidney Patterns That Can Lead to Prolonged Menstrual Periods

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency Prolonged menses, Excessive menstruation, Pale menstrual flow, Thin menstrual blood, Prolonged menstrual periods, Shortness of breath, Palpitations... see more Gu Chong Tang

TCM Herbal Formulas for Prolonged Menstrual Periods

In addressing prolonged menstrual periods, TCM offers various formulas and herbs tailored to the underlying pattern of disharmony. For Qi Deficiency, Liu Jun Zi Tang and Si Jun Zi Tang are commonly prescribed. These formulas contain ingredients like Ginseng, renowned for their Qi-boosting properties.

The choice of herbs and formulas in TCM is highly individualized, reflecting the unique pattern of disharmony in each person, and aims to restore balance and harmony to the body's systems.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address prolonged menstrual periods, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type
  • Qi Deficiency

All Formulas Recommended for Prolonged Menstrual Periods Caused by Qi Deficiency

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Si Jun Zi Tang Qi Deficiency
Liu Jun Zi Tang Qi Deficiency
Gu Chong Tang Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency

All "formulas that tonify qi" recommended for prolonged menstrual periods

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Si Jun Zi Tang Qi Deficiency
Liu Jun Zi Tang Qi Deficiency

TCM Herbs for Prolonged Menstrual Periods

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address prolonged menstrual periods, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Tonic herbs for qi deficiency
  • Herbs that stabilize and bind

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