Symptom families: Viral Infections, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Did you mean? Common Cold
Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a respiratory illness marked by symptoms like high fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches. It's a widespread condition known for its rapid spread and seasonal peaks. Variations in severity make influenza a public health concern, with potential complications in vulnerable groups.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perceives influenza beyond a viral infection. In TCM, it's seen as an imbalance of the body's Qi (vital energy) due to external pathogenic factors. The diagnosis and treatment in TCM revolve around identifying and correcting this imbalance.
Commonly, influenza is attributed to external invasions like Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat, which disrupt the body's Qi harmony, leading to flu symptoms. Treatment approaches, including herbal remedies, acupuncture, and lifestyle adjustments, are tailored to the specific pattern of disharmony in each individual.
In TCM, the onset of influenza is linked to environmental factors and internal health. The prevalent belief is that exposure to external elements like Wind, coupled with Cold or Heat, triggers flu symptoms.
This external disturbance upsets the Yin-Yang equilibrium within the body. Factors such as a weakened Qi, internal Dampness, or accumulated Phlegm can also heighten vulnerability to these external pathogens. The key to effective TCM treatment lies in pinpointing the unique disharmony pattern affecting the individual.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the treatment of influenza is tailored to the patient's specific symptoms. Da Qing Long Tang, featuring Ephedra (Ma Huang), is used for flu cases with External Cold and Internal Heat, such as fever and chills without sweating. Ephedra helps release exterior symptoms and mobilizes lung Qi. Gui Zhi Tang, with Cinnamon twigs (Gui Zhi), treats Greater Yang Wind invasion, marked by alternating chills and fever. Cinnamon twigs dispel pathogenic wind and warm the body.
For initial-stage flu with mild fever and cold aversion, Jia Wei Xiang Su San is preferred. Its key herb, Perilla leaves (Zi Su Ye), disperses Cold and regulates Qi flow, easing early flu symptoms. These TCM formulas demonstrate a targeted approach to influenza, focusing on the patient's unique pattern of imbalance to restore health effectively.
Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address influenza, organized by formula type.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas when it stems from external pathogenic influences characterized by cold and wind symptoms.
One such formula is Da Qing Long Tang, with ephedra as a key herb.
Other formulas of this category are listed in the table below.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas if it is caused by external factors like wind, cold, or heat leading to symptoms on the body's surface.
One such formula is Jing Fang Bai Du San, with japanese catnip as a key herb.
Other formulas of this category are listed in the table below.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas when it results from an intense heat condition at the qi level, affecting the body's energy flow.
One such formula is Bai Hu Tang, with gypsum as a key herb.
Other formulas of this category are listed in the table below.
Formula | Key herbs |
Bai Hu Tang | Gypsum (Shi Gao) |
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang | Gypsum (Shi Gao) |
Influenza can be treated by these formulas if it originates from a wind-heat invasion.
One such formula is Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang, with bupleurum root as a key herb.
Other formulas of this category are listed in the table below.
Formula | Key herbs |
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang | Bupleurum Roots (Chai Hu), Kudzu Roots (Ge Gen) |
Sang Ju Yin | Mulberry Leaves (Sang Ye), Chrysanthemum Flowers (Ju Hua) |
Influenza can be treated by formulas that clear early-stage Exterior disorders if it stems from an initial invasion of pathogenic factors like wind or cold.
One such formula is Cong Chi Tang, with scallions as a key herb.
Other formulas of this category are listed in the table below.
Formula | Key herbs |
Cong Chi Tang | Scallions (Cong Bai) |
Huo Ren Cong Shi Tang | Scallions (Cong Bai) |
Influenza can be treated by these formulas when it results from external wind invasion disrupting the body's surface and normal function, requiring wind-dispersing actions.
One such formula is Xin Yi San, with biond’s magnolia flowers as a key herb.
Influenza can be treated by formulas that clear Heat and resolve toxicity if it arises from heat toxins affecting the body.
One such formula is Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan, with honeysuckle flowers as a key herb.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas if it results from Qi deficiency, necessitating treatments that boost the body's vital energy.
One such formula is Bu Fei Tang, with ginseng as a key herb.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas in cases of imbalances in the lesser Yang (Shao Yang) phase, which often involve alternating hot and cold sensations.
One such formula is Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang, with bupleurum root as a key herb.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas if it arises from an excess of internal heat, needing actions that clear heat and reduce its intensity.
One such formula is Da Cheng Qi Tang, with rhubarb as a key herb.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas when it is associated with malarial influences characterized by alternating fever and chills.
One such formula is Da Yuan Yin, with tsaoko fruit as a key herb.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas when caused by dryness that impairs the body's moisture balance, necessitating herbs that moisten and alleviate dryness.
One such formula is Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang, with mulberry leaves as a key herb.
Influenza can be treated by these formulas when there's an interaction of external summer heat with the body's surface, requiring remedies that clear heat and release the exterior.
One such formula is Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin, with vietnamese balm as a key herb.
Explore below some TCM herbs used to address influenza, organized by herb category.
Influenza can be treated by these herbs when there is a need to dispel external cold and warm the body, especially in cases where there is insufficient Yang energy internally.
One such herb is Ephedra (Ma Huang), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Da Qing Long Tang.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Influenza can be treated by these herbs when the body needs to harmonize with external environmental changes, particularly when there's a need to expel pathogenic factors like wind or cold without overly cooling the body.
One such herb is Bupleurum Roots (Chai Hu), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Bupleurum Roots (Chai Hu) | Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang | Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang |
Mulberry Leaves (Sang Ye) | Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang | Sang Ju Yin |
Bugbane Rhizomes (Sheng Ma) | Xin Yi San |
Kudzu Roots (Ge Gen) | Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang |
Chrysanthemum Flowers (Ju Hua) | Sang Ju Yin |
Influenza can be treated by these herbs if it arises from internal heat and toxic accumulations, aiding in detoxification and cooling the body.
One such herb is Honeysuckle Flowers (Jin Yin Hua), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Honeysuckle Flowers (Jin Yin Hua) | Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan | Yin Qiao San |
Forsythia Fruits (Lian Qiao) | Yin Qiao San |
Isatis Leaf (Da Qing Ye) | Not applicable |
Influenza can be treated by these herbs when it arises from excessive internal heat or fire, aiding in cooling the body and balancing internal temperature.
One such herb is Gypsum (Shi Gao), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Bai Hu Tang.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Gypsum (Shi Gao) | Bai Hu Tang | Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang |
Climbing Groundsel Herbs (Qian Li Guang) | Not applicable |
Influenza can be treated by these herbs when stemming from a lack of vital energy or Qi, helping to boost energy and overall vitality.
One such herb is Ginseng (Ren Shen), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Bu Fei Tang.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Ginseng (Ren Shen) | Bu Fei Tang |
Milkvetch Roots (Huang Qi) | Bu Fei Tang |
Influenza can be treated by these herbs if it stems from damp accumulation, especially in the digestive system, using aromatic properties to transform and dispel dampness.
One such herb is Tsaoko Fruits (Cao Guo), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Da Yuan Yin.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Tsaoko Fruits (Cao Guo) | Da Yuan Yin |
Houpu Magnolia Bark (Hou Pu) | Da Yuan Yin |
Influenza can be treated by these herbs in cases of severe constipation or internal heat, using strong downward movement to purge accumulation.
One such herb is Rhubarb (Da Huang), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Da Cheng Qi Tang.
Influenza can be treated by these herbs if it arises from parasitic infections, utilizing their properties to eliminate parasites from the body.
One such herb is Areca Nuts (Bing Lang), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Da Yuan Yin.
Influenza can be treated by these herbs when it results from phlegm due to cold deficiency, aiming to warm the lungs and dissolve phlegm accumulation.
One such herb is Inula Flowers (Xuan Fu Hua), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Jin Fei Cao San.
Influenza can be treated by these herbs when it is due to the invasion or accumulation of wind and dampness, which often affects the muscles and joints.
One such herb is Pubescent Angelica Roots (Du Huo), a key herb in some formulas recommended for influenza, like Jing Fang Bai Du San.