Maculesaccording to TCM

*redirected from Dark macules

What are Macules?

Macules are flat, distinct, discolored areas of the skin that do not involve any changes in the thickness or texture of the skin. These spots can vary in size and often appear as dark macules or flat spots on the skin's surface. Commonly referred to as skin discolorations, skin imperfections, or skin spots, macules are a visible manifestation of a variety of dermatological conditions and can be a source of cosmetic concern for many individuals. Understanding the underlying cause of macules is crucial for effective treatment and management.

How does TCM view Macules?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a holistic perspective on macules, viewing them as external reflections of the body's internal imbalances. According to TCM, the appearance of macules on the skin can be attributed to disturbances in the body's vital substances—Qi, Blood, Yin, and Yang—and the influence of pathogenic factors such as Heat, Dampness, or Wind.

This understanding emphasizes the importance of identifying the specific pattern of disharmony underlying the manifestation of macules, as treatment in TCM is tailored to correct these internal imbalances, thereby resolving the skin condition from its root.

Root Causes of Macules in TCM

In the TCM framework, macules are often associated with Heat-related patterns, such as Heat victorious agitating Blood or Heat in Nutritive Qi level. These conditions arise when excessive Heat accumulates in the body, disrupting the harmony of Blood and Qi and leading to the emergence of dark macules, alongside symptoms like restlessness, fever, and in some cases, bleeding disorders. This perspective underscores the significance of addressing the excess Heat and restoring balance to the Blood and Qi as essential steps in treating macules and restoring skin health.

Explore below more details about what might cause Macules according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • By Organ
  • Heat
  • Mind Disturbance
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Heat" signifies an excess of Yang energy, leading to an imbalance where heat predominates over the body's cool Yin aspects. This condition is metaphorically akin to an internal over-heating. Symptoms indicative of Heat can include feelings of warmth, fever, sweating, irritability, red face, thirst with a preference for cold drinks, and a rapid pulse. The tongue may appear red with a yellow coating. Unlike the common interpretation of heat in terms of temperature, in TCM, it represents a state of hyperactivity or inflammation in the body.... see more

Heat Patterns That Can Lead to Macules

Common Symptoms: Restlessness Nighttime Fever Delirium Incoherent Or Confused Speech Aphasia High Fever Mania Vomiting Blood

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Heat victorious agitating Blood Dark macules, Restlessness, High fever, Mania, Macules, Vomiting blood, Nosebleeds, Hematochezia, Hematuria... see more Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
Heat in Nutritive Qi level Macules, Nighttime fever, Dry mouth without desire to drink, Restlessness, Insomnia, Delirium, Incoherent or confused speech, Aphasia... see more Qing Ying Tang | Bai He Di Huang Tang
Heat in Pericardium Macules, Nighttime fever, Delirium, Confusion, Incoherent or confused speech, Cold extremities... see more Qing Ying Tang | Zhi Bao Dan
Detailed description of the cause

Mind Disturbance

In TCM "Shen" refers to the mind or spirit, and a Shen disturbance is a pattern of disharmony that affects the mental and emotional state. This concept reflects the TCM belief in the deep interconnectedness of mind and body. Symptoms of Shen disturbance can vary widely but often include anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, confusion, or in severe cases, hallucinations or delirium. These symptoms indicate an imbalance in the body's energies affecting the heart, which in TCM is not only the center of blood circulation but also the seat of the mind and consciousness. The root of Shen disturbance can be traced to various factors, including emotional stress, physical illness, or an imbalance in fundamental substances like Qi, Yin, or Yang.... see more

Mind Disturbance Patterns That Can Lead to Macules

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Heat victorious agitating Blood Dark macules, Restlessness, High fever, Mania, Macules, Vomiting blood, Nosebleeds, Hematochezia, Hematuria... see more Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Pericardium is more than a physical membrane protecting the heart; it's considered an organ system that acts as the "Heart's protector." It plays a crucial role in safeguarding the heart from external pathogenic factors and emotional disturbances. The Pericardium is also involved in regulating blood circulation and influencing emotional well-being, especially in terms of relationships and intimacy. When the Pericardium malfunctions or is imbalanced in TCM, it can lead to symptoms that mirror heart issues, such as chest pain or palpitations, but often with an emotional component like difficulty in forming emotional connections or excessive vulnerability to external stressors. Additionally, a disturbed Pericardium can result in sleep disturbances, anxiety, and in severe cases, mental confusion, reflecting its integral role in both physical heart protection and emotional balance.... see more

Pericardium Patterns That Can Lead to Macules

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Heat in Pericardium Macules, Nighttime fever, Delirium, Confusion, Incoherent or confused speech, Cold extremities... see more Qing Ying Tang | Zhi Bao Dan

TCM Herbal Formulas for Macules

To combat macules, TCM utilizes a range of formulas and herbs designed to clear Heat, cool the Blood, and harmonize the body's vital substances. Formulas such as Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang and Qing Ying Tang, both featuring Water Buffalo Horns (Shui Niu Jiao) as a key ingredient, are commonly prescribed for their potent Heat-clearing and Blood-cooling properties.

These treatments aim to address the root causes of macules by eliminating excessive Heat and nourishing the Blood, thereby promoting the resolution of skin discolorations and enhancing overall skin health.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address macules, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type
  • Heat
  • Mind Disturbance

All Formulas Recommended for Macules Caused by Heat

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Qing Ying Tang Heat in Nutritive Qi level, Heat in Pericardium
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang Heat victorious agitating Blood
Bai He Di Huang Tang Heat in Nutritive Qi level
Zhi Bao Dan Heat in Pericardium

All "formulas that clear nutritive-level heat" recommended for macules

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Qing Ying Tang Heat in Nutritive Qi level, Heat in Pericardium
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang Heat victorious agitating Blood

Acupoints for Macules

Acupuncture is another integral component of TCM's approach to treating macules, with specific acupoints selected to target the underlying imbalances. Points such as Laogong P-8 and Quze P-3 on the Pericardium Channel are emphasized for their effectiveness in clearing Heart Fire, cooling Blood, and calming the Mind, directly addressing the factors contributing to the appearance of macules. This targeted acupoint stimulation complements herbal treatments, offering a comprehensive strategy to manage macules by realigning the body's internal energies and restoring its natural equilibrium.

Explore below some acupoints used to address macules, organized by meridian.

  • By Meridian
  • Pericardium Channel
Quze P-3

Quze P-3

On the transverse cubital crease, at the ulnar side of the tendon of biceps brachii muscle.

Laogong P-8

Laogong P-8

In the center of the palm, between the 2nd and the 3rd metacarpal bones, proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint.

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