Da Xue Teng

English: Sargentodoxa stems

Chinese: 大血藤

Parts used: Stems

TCM category: Herbs that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity

TCM nature: Neutral

TCM taste(s): Bitter

Organ affinity: Large intestine Liver

Scientific name: Sargentodoxa cuneata

Other names: Sargentgloryvine stem, Hong Teng, Da Xie Teng,

Use of Da Xue Teng (sargentodoxa stems) in TCM

Please note that you should never self-prescribe TCM ingredients. A TCM ingredient is almost never eaten on its own but as part of a formula containing several ingredients that act together. Please consult a professional TCM practitioner, they will be best able to guide you.

Preparation: Collects the stem, remove impurities, clean, sock, cut into thick slices and dry

Dosage: 9-15g

Main actions according to TCM*: Clear Toxic-Heat. Promotes Blood circulation and removes Blood Stagnation. Disperses Wind and relieves pains.

Primary conditions or symptoms for which Da Xue Teng may be prescribed by TCM doctors*: Abdominal pain Carbuncles Painful menstruation Amenorrhea Trauma pain Trauma swellings Rheumatic athralgia

Contraindications*: Use with caution during pregnancy.

Key TCM concepts behind Da Xue Teng's properties

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Da Xue Teng belongs to the 'Herbs that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity' category. Herbs in this category are used to clear inflammatory and infectious conditions, referred to as 'Internal Heat' in TCM. This is why most of the herbs in this category will have both antibacterial and antiviral properties. In TCM one has too much 'Internal Heat' in their body as a result of a deficiency of 'Yin' (which is Cold in nature, see our explanation on Yin and Yang) or, more commonly, an Excess of Yang (Hot in nature). Herbs that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity treat the latter while, at the same time, removing infectious toxins from the body. As such they tend to be Cold or Neutral in nature.

As suggested by its category Da Xue Teng is Neutral in nature. This means that Da Xue Teng typically doesn't affect the balance in your body. Balance between Yin and Yang is a key health concept in TCM. Eating too many "Hot" (Yang) ingredients can lead to an imbalance whereby one has a Yang Excess. The inverse is true as well: too many "Cold" (Yin) ingredients can lead to a Yin Excess. The Neutral nature of Da Xue Teng means that you don't have to worry about that!

Da Xue Teng also tastes Bitter. The so-called 'Five Phases' theory in Chinese Medicine states that the taste of TCM ingredients is a key determinant of their action in the body. Bitter ingredients like Da Xue Teng tends to have a cleansing action on the body by clearing Heat, drying Dampness and promoting elimination via urination or bowel movements.

The tastes of ingredients in TCM also determine what Organs and Meridians they target. As such Da Xue Teng is thought to target the Large intestine and the Liver. In TCM the Large Intestine receives the "impure" parts of the digested food from the Small Intestine, absorbs the remaining fluids and excrete the remainder as feces. The Liver on the other hand is often referred as the body's "general" because it is in charge of regulating the movements of Qi and the Body Fluids. It also takes a leading role in balancing our emotions.

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