The Large Intestine According To Chinese Medicine

The Large Intestine According To Chinese Medicine

Chinese: 大肠      Pinyin: Dà Cháng

Summary: The Large Intestine's main function is to receive the digested turbid content from the Small Intestine, absorb remaining water, move it downwards, form stools and discharge it through the anus.

Classification: Fu Organ

Pharmacopoeia: View herbs that target the Large Intestine

Patterns: View patterns of disharmony that affect the Large Intestine

The functions of the Large Intestine

The Large Intestine's main function is to receive the digested turbid texture content from the Small Intestine, absorb remaining water, move it downwards, form stools and discharge it through the anus. Therefore, the Large Intestine Qi has an obvious downward movement. If impaired, bowel movement is disturbed, such as an excessive amount of stools or overly frequent bowel movements.

External or Internal factors can both disturb the Large Intestine functions. For example, Exterior Cold can pass through the exterior layers of the body and harm the Large Intestine. As for Internal factors, Large Intestine Coldness can be caused by an excessive consumption of cold-damp food and drinks such as iced drinks, ice cream, popsicles, and raw vegetables. Inversely Large Intestine Dampness and Heat can also appear due to overly greasy, fatty and spicy foods.

The Large Intestine also controls our ability to let go of things, either material or emotional. Sadness, grief, and worry affect the Large Intestine and cause Qi Stagnation.

The functions of the Large Intestine

"It controls passing and moving downwards"

The Large Intestine's main function is to receive the digested turbid content from the Small Intestine, absorb the water that remains in it and move it downwards to be discharged through the anus. Therefore, the Large Intestine Qi has an obvious downward movement. Qi Stagnation can disturb this downwards flow and causes abdominal distension and possibly constipation.

"It forms stools"

As the final transformation process, digested food received from Small Intestine is sent to the Large Intestine. Some further Body Fluid is absorbed before it gets excreted through the anus. The absorption of Fluids determines the quality of the stools. If too much Fluid got absorbed, the stools will be dry. If too little, the stools are loose.

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