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Symptom families: Eye Disorders and Symptoms, Corneal Disorders
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Corneal ulcers are open sores on the cornea, the clear, protective outer layer of the eye. They are often caused by infections, particularly bacterial, viral, or fungal, but can also result from severe dry eye, eye trauma, or wearing contact lenses for extended periods.
Symptoms include severe pain, redness, blurred vision, light sensitivity, and a feeling of grittiness in the eye. Corneal ulcers are a serious condition that can lead to permanent vision impairment if not treated promptly and effectively, typically with antibiotic or antifungal medication.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches corneal ulcers quite differently than Western medicine. In TCM, this eye condition is viewed as a manifestation of internal imbalances and disharmonies. The health of the eyes is closely linked to the Liver, but other organs like the Kidney and Heart can also play a role.
TCM emphasizes that symptoms like corneal ulcers arise from various disharmonies such as Qi Stagnation, Blood stasis, Heat, or Dampness. Identifying and addressing these underlying patterns is essential for effective TCM treatment.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, corneal ulcers are often attributed to specific imbalances or disruptions in the body's natural systems. A common cause is the presence of internal parasites, which TCM believes can lead to a variety of health issues, including ocular problems. This perspective views corneal ulcers as a manifestation of deeper systemic issues rather than isolated eye conditions.
Another TCM view considers the influence of Cold affecting the Stomach Channel, leading to a Deficiency in Stomach Yang energy. This imbalance can manifest physically as corneal ulcers, highlighting the interconnectedness of the body's systems in TCM.
For the treatment of corneal ulcers, TCM recommends specific formulas based on the identified underlying patterns. In cases where parasites are suspected to be the cause, the formula Wu Mei Wan is often used. This formula, centered around the key herb Chinese Plums (Wu Mei), is known for its Sour and Neutral properties and is particularly effective in treating symptoms in the Terminal Yin stage. This formula belongs to the category of expelling parasites.
Additionally, for conditions characterized by Stomach Yang Deficiency and Cold, Wu Zhu Yu Tang is recommended. This formula contains Evodia Fruits (Wu Zhu Yu) and is valued for its Bitter, Pungent, and Hot properties, making it suitable for warming the Middle and dispelling Cold. These treatments are part of TCM's holistic approach, targeting the root causes of symptoms to restore balance within the body.
Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address corneal ulcers, organized by formula type.
Corneal ulcers can be treated by these formulas when it is caused by parasitic infections, requiring anti-parasitic herbs to eliminate the parasites.
One such formula is Wu Mei Wan, with chinese plum as a key herb.
Corneal ulcers can be treated by these formulas when it is due to cold in the middle jiao (digestive region), necessitating warming and cold-dispelling actions.
One such formula is Wu Zhu Yu Tang, with evodia fruit as a key herb.
Explore below some TCM herbs used to address corneal ulcers, organized by herb category.
Corneal ulcers can be treated by these herbs when it arises from excessive internal heat or fire, aiding in cooling the body and balancing internal temperature.
One such herb is Climbing Groundsel Herbs (Qian Li Guang), which is directly recommended for corneal ulcers.
Corneal ulcers can be treated by these herbs if it is caused by a leakage of bodily fluids or energies, helping to consolidate and preserve the body's essential substances.
One such herb is Chinese Plums (Wu Mei), a key herb in some formulas recommended for corneal ulcers, like Wu Mei Wan.
Corneal ulcers can be treated by these herbs if it is due to internal coldness or deficient Yang energy, working to warm the body and dispel cold.
One such herb is Evodia Fruits (Wu Zhu Yu), a key herb in some formulas recommended for corneal ulcers, like Wu Zhu Yu Tang.