Protective Qi Deficiency

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 卫气虚      Pinyin name: Wèi Qì Xū

Pattern nature: Empty

Pattern hierarchy: Specific pattern under Qi Deficiency


Common causes: 1. chronic illnesses, 2. Poor Lung condition


Common symptoms: Pale tongue Recurrent colds Bright-pale face Spontaneous sweating

Pulse type(s): Empty (Xu), Floating (Fu), Soggy (Ru)

Tongue coating: Thin white coating

Tongue color: Pale


Treatment principle: Strengthen the Qi, stabilize the Exterior, stop sweating

Common formulas: Yu Ping Feng San


This pattern is characterized by a weakness in the body's external defenses due to a Deficiency in Protective Qi. The Lungs, which govern qi, skin, and body hair, play a crucial role in guarding the body against pathogenic influences by controlling the protective qi. They regulate the opening and closing of the interstices and pores on the skin.

In this pattern, weak Lung qi fails to stabilize the body's superficial aspects, leading to improperly closed interstices and pores. This manifests as spontaneous sweating and an aversion to drafts, indicating the body's vulnerability to external pathogenic influences, such as recurrent colds.

The patient typically presents with a shiny, pale complexion and a pale tongue, both indicative of Qi Deficiency. The pulse in this condition is floating, deficient, and soft, reflecting the weakened state of the body's energy, particularly at the superficial level. This pattern underscores the need for treatments that strengthen the protective qi and enhance the body's external defenses.


chronic illnesses: chronic illnesses or long-term conditions deplete the body's energy

Poor Lung condition: Factors such as long term lung disease or smoking can weaken Lung Qi.

Diagnosing Protective Qi Deficiency

Pulse type(s): Empty (Xu), floating (Fu) or soggy (Ru)

Tongue coating: Thin white coating

Tongue color: Pale

Main symptoms: Pale tongue Recurrent colds Bright-pale face Spontaneous sweating

Diagnosis commentary: Spontaneous sweating, recurrent colds and pale complexion and floating, deficient, and soft pulse.

Treating Protective Qi Deficiency

Treatment principle

Strengthen the Qi, stabilize the Exterior, stop sweating 

Herbal formulas used to treat Protective Qi Deficiency

Yu Ping Feng San

Source date: 1213 AD

Number of ingredients: 3 herbs

Key actions: Augments the Qi. Stabilizes the Exterior. Stops sweating .

Formula summary

Yu Ping Feng San is a 3-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1213 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that tonify Qi.

Read more about Yu Ping Feng San

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