Intestinal Parasite

At a glance

Preliminary reading: What is a pattern?

Key attributes

Chinese name: 寄生虫      Pinyin name: Jì Shēng Chóng

Pattern nature: Full


Common causes: 1. Improper or Unsanitary Eating Habits, 2. Cold or weak constitution



Treatment principle: Kills parasites

Common formulas: Hua Chong Wan


This pattern typically results from improper or unsanitary eating habits and is more common in individuals with cold, weak constitutions. The movement of parasites within the abdomen, particularly in the Small Intestine, leads to pain that shifts location as the parasites move, often being most pronounced around the periumbilical area.

If these parasites disturb the Stomach, they can disrupt the organ's Qi, impairing its descending function and potentially causing vomiting of clear fluids or the parasites themselves. This pattern emphasizes the importance of dietary habits and constitutional factors in the development and manifestation of parasitic infections within the body.


Improper or Unsanitary Eating Habits: Consuming contaminated or improperly prepared food can lead to parasitic infections.

Cold or weak constitution : Individuals with a constitution that is inherently cold or weak are more susceptible to harboring intestinal parasites.

Diagnosing Intestinal Parasite

Main symptoms: Vomit parasites Moving abdominal pain Vomiting of clear fluids

Diagnosis commentary: abdominal pain that moves with the movement of the parasites, particularly around the periumbilical region, and possibly vomiting of clear fluids or the parasites themselves if the Stomach is disturbed.

Treating Intestinal Parasite

Treatment principle

Kills parasites

Herbal formulas used to treat Intestinal Parasite

Hua Chong Wan

Source date: 1148 AD

Number of ingredients: 5 herbs

Key actions: Kills intestinal parasites.

Formula summary

Hua Chong Wan is a 5-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1148 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that expel parasites.

Read more about Hua Chong Wan

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