Full-Heat in the Small Intestine

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 小肠实热      Pinyin name: Xiǎo Cháng Shí Rè

Pattern nature: Full


Precursor patterns: Heart Fire blazing

Common causes: 1. Excessive consumption of hot-natured foods, 2. Emotional strain


Common symptoms: Insomnia Deafness Throat pain Mouth ulcers Restlnessness and seven other symptoms

Pulse type(s): Overflowing (Hong), Rapid (Shu)

Tongue description: Red with redder and swollen tip, yellow coating.


Treatment principle: Drain Heart Fire and Small Intestine Fire.

Common formulas: Dao Chi San


This pattern is closely associated with Heart Fire Blazing since both Organs are associated at the channel level and they belong to the Fire element in the Five Phases theory

Heart Fire is transmitted to the Small Intestine and this interferes with its function of receiving and transforming as well as separating the Fluids. The Heat burns the Fluids, causing scanty and dark urine and pain on urination.

In severe cases the Heat reaches the Blood causing it to extravasate and resulting in blood in the urine.

Heart Fire causes the symptoms of mental restlessness, tongue ulcers, pain in the throat and thirst.

Deafness is caused by obstruction of Fire in the Small Intestine channel, which enters the ear.


Precursor patterns: Full-Heat in the Small Intestine can derive from Heart Fire blazing

Excessive consumption of hot-natured foods: The excessive consumption of hot-natured foods (meat, spices, alcohol) can lead to this pattern. In this case, it is usually associated with Stomach Heat.

Emotional strain: Prolonged and/or intense emotions of anger, frustration, resentment and worry (especially over life direction and pressures) can all lead to this pattern. If that is the cause, it is associated with Heat in the Heart.

Diagnosing Full-Heat in the Small Intestine

Pulse type(s): Overflowing (Hong) or rapid (Shu)

Tongue description: Red with redder and swollen tip, yellow coating.

Main symptoms: Insomnia Deafness Throat pain Mouth ulcers Restlnessness Tongue ulcers Abdominal pain Blood in urine Burning urination Scanty and dark urine Thirst for cold drinks Unconfortable heat sensation in the chest

Diagnosis commentary: Abdominal pain, tongue ulcers and scanty, dark painful urination are enough in and of themselves to diagnose Full Heat in the Small Intestine.

Treating Full-Heat in the Small Intestine

Treatment principle

Drain Heart Fire and Small Intestine Fire.

Herbal formulas used to treat Full-Heat in the Small Intestine

Dao Chi San

Source date: 1119 AD

Number of ingredients: 4 herbs

Key actions: Clears the Heart. Promotes urination.

Formula summary

Dao Chi San is a 4-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1119 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that clear Heat from the Organs.

Read more about Dao Chi San

Diet recommendations

Try to avoid hot-natured, spicy, fatty and greasy foods.

Do not overwork and try relaxing more as anxiety (especially over life direction and pressures) is a key cause for this pattern.

Consequence patterns

Heart Fire

If left untreated Full-Heat in the Small Intestine can lead to Heart Fire

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