The Heart Primary Channel of Hand Shao-Yin originates from the Heart.
It emerges from the blood vessel system surrounding the Heart and runs to the Lungs.
It then descends and emerges in the center of the axilla at Jiquan HE-1, which is the starting point of the external pathway.
The external pathway:
The Channel continues descending along the medial aspect of the upper arm between the Lung and Pericardium Channel.
Reaching Shaohai HE-3 at the elbow, it descends further along the antero-medial lower arm to Shenmen HE-7 at the pisiform bone of the wrist.
It then runs through the palm between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones.
Continues travelling along the radial aspect of the little finger, it finally terminates at Shaochong HE-9 at the radial corner of the nail.
1st branch: An internal branch separates from the Heart, ascends along the oesophagus and the neck region, passes the face and cheek and finally disperses around eye issues.
2nd branch: The other internal branch also originates from the Heart. It then descends through diaphragm and connects with the Small Intestine.
Heart Divergent Channel
Chinese: 手少阴经别
Pinyin:Shǒu Shào Yīn Jīng Bié
Pathway for Heart Divergent Channel
The Heart Divergent Channel separates from the Primary Channel at Jiquan HE-1 from the axillary.
It then penetrates the chest at Yuanyu GB-22 and enters internally to the Heart.
From there, it ascends through the chest and neck and arrives at Lianquan REN-23.
The Heart Sinew Channel starts from the radial aspect of the little finger.
After binding at the pisiform bone at Shenmen HE-7, it ascends the anterior and ulnar aspect of the forearm and binds again at Shaohai HE-3 at the elbow.
It continues ascending the anterior part of the upper arm, arrives at the axillary region and binds there again. This is also the place it meets with the Lung Sinew Channel.
From the axillary region, it goes deeper into the body, penetrates the chest and binds at Shanzhong REN-17 at the body midline.
It then descends and penetrates the diaphragm and finally ends at the umbilicus.
Heart Luo-Connecting Vessel System
Chinese: 手少阴络脉
Pinyin:Shǒu Shào Yīn Luò Mài
Pathway for Heart Luo-Connecting Vessel System
Heart Luo-Connecting Vessel System separates from the primary channel at its Luo-Connecting point of Tongli HE-5.
It then spreads like a reticulate network, which is composed of many branches and sub-branches such as Sun Luo or Fu Luo.
Sun Luo (Grandson Vessel): The small connecting vessels across the body.
Fu Luo (Floating Vessel): Vessels of the skin.
One branch connects with the Small Intestine Primary Channel.
One branch follows its own Primary Channel to the Heart, bypassing the anterior arm, axilla and chest.
From the Heart, it then ascends to the root of the tongue and terminates in the eye.
Some books claim that the branch continues internally to the Brain.