Chinese: 至阳
Pinyin: Zhì Yáng
On the back midline, in the depression below the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra (T7).
Locate the Tufffier's line, which connects the two most superior points on the iliac crest. It generally intersects with the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra (L4).
Then locate the 7th thoracic vertebra by counting up 9. Locate Zhiyang DU-9 below the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra (T7) on the midline.
Or identify the inferior angle of the scapula, which is normally at the same level as Zhongyang DU-9 in the posterior midline.
0.5–1 cun strictly vertically to the skin or obliquely in an inferior direction, with the patient’s back straight or flexed in order to avoid puncturing the spinal canal.
Oblique insertions should only be carried out by experienced practitioners, as in small persons, irrespective of their body weight, the spinal canal may be reached after only 1.25 cun.
Zhiyang DU-9 is mainly used to treat jaundice and Hypochondrial and epigastric fullness. It can remove Damp-Heat from the Liver and the Gall Bladder.
It also open the chests by resolving Qi Stagnation there, so as to treat symptoms such as feeling of distension or oppression, hiccups and sighing.