Yaoyangguan DU-3

Chinese: 腰阳关

Pinyin: Yāo Yáng Guān


On the lower back midline, in the depression below the spinous process of the 4th lumber vertebra (L4). 

How to locate

Locate the Tufffier's line, which connects the two most superior points on the iliac crest. It intersects with the 4th lumber vertebra. Locate Yaoyangguan DU-3 below the spinous process of the 4th lumber vertebra (L4) on the midline. 

Main actions

  1. Strengthens the lower back and legs
  2. Tonifies Yang


0.5–1 cun strictly vertically to the skin or obliquely in an inferior direction. 

Commentary for Yaoyangguan DU-3

Yaoyangguan DU-3 is widely applied to tonify Kidney Yang so as to treat lower back pain and stiffness. This is especially the case if this pain spreads to the legs. 

In fact, it is one of the main local points on the back which treats the lower limb disorders. 

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