Lanwei EX-LE-7

Chinese: 阑尾

Pinyin: Lán Wěi


On the Stomach Channel of the right leg, Lanwei EX-LE-7 is about 2 cun distal to Zusanli ST-36, in the most tender point of that area. 

How to locate

Lanwei EX-LE-7 is one of the very few points that only exist on one side of the body. 

First locate Zusanli ST-36 on the right leg, which is 3 cun inferior to the knee joint space and 1 cun lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia

Lanwei EX-LE-7 is about 2 cun distal to Zusanli ST-36, in the most tender point of that area. 


Main actions

  1. Promote Qi and Blood circulation in the Large Intestine
  2. Clear Heat and Toxin-Heat from the Large Intestine


Vertically 1–1.5 cun

Commentary for Lanwei EX-LE-7

The name of this point is translated to 'Appendix' which implies its functions. 

Lanwei EX-LE-7 is very effective in treating both acute and chronic appendicitis.

It often becomes pressure sensitive when the appendix has inflammation. Thus this point can also be used as a diagnosis tool.