Haiquan EX-HN-11 Acupuncture Point

Haiquan EX-HN-11

Chinese: 海泉

Pinyin: Hǎi Quán


Below the tongue, in the center of the frenulum, between Jinjin EX-HN-12 and Yuye EX-HN-13

How to locate

Roll the tongue up so as to reveal the frenulum. Haiquan EX-HN-11 is located at the bottom of the frenulum. 

Main actions

  1. Clears Heat and reduces swelling
  2. Generates Fluids
  3. Benefits the tongue


Vertically 0.1 to 0.2 cun. Remove the needle quickly after short simulation. 

Commentary for Haiquan EX-HN-11

Due to its special location, Haiquan EX-HN-11 is not frequently used. Its main function is to treat acute or recalcitrant tongue disorders or facial paralysis. 

It is included in Sun Si Miao's 'Thirteen ghost points'. Its other name is called Guifeng which is translated to 'Ghost Seal'. 

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