Skin Allergyaccording to TCM

What is Skin Allergy?

Skin allergy, also known as allergic skin reaction or skin hypersensitivity, is a condition where the skin reacts abnormally to certain substances or environmental factors. This reaction can manifest as rashes, hives, itching, redness, or swelling.

The severity and symptoms can vary widely from mild irritation to severe discomfort. Skin allergies are often triggered by factors such as certain foods, pollen, animal dander, or specific chemicals in products. Understanding the triggers and managing the symptoms are key components of dealing with skin allergies.

How Does TCM View Skin Allergy?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a holistic perspective on skin allergies, viewing them as manifestations of internal imbalances or disharmonies within the body. Unlike Western medicine, which often focuses on the allergic reaction itself, TCM looks at skin allergies as a symptom of underlying issues such as imbalances in Qi (vital energy), Blood, or the presence of pathogenic factors like Wind, Dampness, or Heat. TCM emphasizes identifying and treating these underlying patterns of disharmony to effectively manage and alleviate skin allergy symptoms.

Causes of Skin Allergy According to TCM

In TCM, skin allergies are often attributed to specific patterns of imbalance. One common cause is the Stagnation of Blood and Qi, which can lead to the accumulation of pathogenic factors in the skin, manifesting as allergic reactions.

Another contributing factor could be Wind-Damp Painful Obstruction, where external pathogenic influences invade the body, causing skin irritation and inflammation. These TCM patterns reflect a deeper understanding of how internal disharmonies can manifest as skin issues, guiding the approach to holistic treatment.

TCM Herbs for Skin Allergy

TCM utilizes a variety of herbs to treat skin allergies, focusing on the underlying disharmonies. Herbs that invigorate the Blood, such as Sweetgum Fruits (Lu Lu Tong), are often prescribed. Sweetgum Fruits, characterized as bitter and neutral, target the Stomach and Liver and are commonly used to treat Blood and Qi Stagnation, as well as Wind-Damp Painful Obstruction. These herbs are carefully selected to align with the individual's specific TCM diagnosis, demonstrating the personalized nature of TCM treatment in managing health conditions like skin allergies.

  • By Herb Category
  • Herbs that invigorate the blood

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