Stranguryaccording to TCM

What is Strangury?

Strangury is a urological condition characterized by a slow and painful discharge of urine, often in drops, accompanied by a sensation of incomplete voiding and urgency.

This symptom can be a sign of underlying issues in the urinary tract, such as infections, inflammation, or obstructions. Strangury necessitates careful evaluation to identify the precise cause and can be indicative of both acute and chronic urological conditions.

How Does TCM View Strangury?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets strangury as an indication of disharmony within the body's energy systems, specifically within the pathways, or Channels, that correspond to the urinary organs.

TCM practitioners believe that symptoms like strangury arise when Qi (vital energy) and Blood are not flowing harmoniously, leading to disturbances in bladder function. Identifying the exact pattern of disharmony, which may be due to factors like Cold invading the lower warmer or a Deficiency in Yang, is essential in TCM to guide the selection of treatment strategies.

Causes of Strangury According to TCM

TCM associates strangury with a variety of underlying patterns such as Stomach Yang Deficiency and Empty Cold. Stomach Yang Deficiency refers to a lack of warming energy in the core, leading to a sluggishness in the body's processing of Body Fluids and their transformation into urine. Empty Cold can manifest from external environmental factors or internal conditions, causing constriction and pain during urination. Treatment in TCM aims to address these imbalances, often through warming the middle and bolstering the body's Yang, to alleviate the painful symptoms of strangury.

TCM Herbal Formulas for Strangury

For treating strangury related to Yang Deficiency and Cold, TCM recommends formulas that warm the middle burner and dispel Cold. A key formula for this purpose is Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang, which contains Milkvetch Roots (Huang Qi) known for their sweet and warm properties.

This formula is tailored to strengthen the Stomach Yang, dispel Cold, and promote the smooth flow of Qi, which is crucial for alleviating strangury. Through such targeted herbal therapy, TCM seeks to restore internal warmth and correct the energy imbalance causing the symptom.

See more details below about Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang, a herbal formula used to address strangury.

  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that warm the middle and dispel cold

TCM Herbs for Strangury

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address strangury, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Herbs that clear heat and relieve toxicity
  • Herbs that clear heat and dry dampness
  • Tonic herbs for qi deficiency
  • Herbs that drain dampness
  • Herbs that clear heat and purge fire and/or clear summer heat

"Herbs that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity" recommended for strangury

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Dandelions (Pu Gong Ying) Not applicable
Verbena Leaves (Ma Bian Cao) Not applicable
Wax Gourd (Dong Gua) Not applicable

"Herbs that clear Heat and dry Dampness" recommended for strangury

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Alfalfa Leaves (Mu Xu) Not applicable
Swallow-Wort Roots (Bai Wei) Not applicable

"Tonic herbs for Qi Deficiency" recommended for strangury

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Milkvetch Roots (Huang Qi) Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang
Maltose (Yi Tang) Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang

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