Rheumatic Heart Diseaseaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Rheumatic and Arthritic Disorders

Parent symptom: Rheumatic Fever

What is Rheumatic Heart Disease?

Rheumatic heart disease is a serious cardiac condition that is a complication of rheumatic fever, often stemming from an inadequately treated infection with group A streptococcal bacteria. The disease is characterized by damage to the heart valves and heart muscle, leading to complications such as valve stenosis and heart failure. Its progression and impact on the cardiac function can vary greatly, with some individuals experiencing severe symptoms, while others may be asymptomatic for years.

How does TCM view Rheumatic Heart Disease?

From the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, rheumatic heart disease is seen as a condition where internal imbalances and disharmonies lead to heart disturbances. TCM does not directly correlate symptoms with the streptococcal infection; instead, it looks at how disharmonies affect Qi, the vital energy, and Blood, disrupting heart functions.

Identifying the specific pattern of disharmony is essential in TCM, as this diagnosis informs the personalized treatment plan aimed at rebalancing the body's energies and restoring heart health.

Causes of Rheumatic Heart Disease According to TCM

In TCM, the root causes of rheumatic heart disease can be traced back to patterns of imbalance such as Heart Blood Deficiency or Heart Qi Deficiency, which lead to a compromised heart function.

Another pattern might involve the Stagnation of Blood, resulting in obstruction and pain. TCM theory posits that emotional distress or external pathogenic factors can also contribute to these Deficiencies and Stagnations, highlighting a more holistic view of heart health that encompasses emotional well-being and environmental factors.

TCM Herbal Formulas for Rheumatic Heart Disease

TCM addresses rheumatic heart disease with a variety of formulas tailored to the identified patterns of disharmony. For Heart Blood and Qi Deficiencies, formulas like Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang with key herbs such as Biota Seeds are used to nourish the heart and calm the mind. To manage symptoms like Oedema, formulas such as Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang, which include Stephania Roots, promote urination and leach out Dampness.

When Blood Stagnation is present, practitioners may prescribe Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, with Peach Kernels, to invigorate Blood and dispel Blood Stagnation. These formulations are chosen to not only alleviate symptoms but to address the underlying disharmonies that are at the core of the disease according to TCM principles.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address rheumatic heart disease, organized by formula type.

  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that nourish the heart and calm the mind
  • Formulas that promote urination and leach out dampness
  • Formulas that clear wind-Cold

TCM Herbs for Rheumatic Heart Disease

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address rheumatic heart disease, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Herbs that invigorate the blood
  • Tonic herbs for qi deficiency
  • Warm/Acrid herbs that release the exterior

"Herbs that invigorate the Blood" recommended for rheumatic heart disease

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Peach Kernels (Tao Ren) Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Safflowers (Hong Hua) Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Szechuan Lovage Roots (Chuan Xiong) Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

"Tonic herbs for Qi Deficiency" recommended for rheumatic heart disease

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Milkvetch Roots (Huang Qi) Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan | Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
Liquorice (Gan Cao) Zhi Gan Cao Tang

"Warm/Acrid herbs that release the Exterior" recommended for rheumatic heart disease

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Ephedra (Ma Huang) Xiao Qing Long Tang
Cinnamon Twigs (Gui Zhi) Xiao Qing Long Tang

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