Hearing Lossaccording to TCM

*redirected from Impaired hearing

Symptom family: Hearing Disorders

What is Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is a partial or total inability to hear. In medical terms, it ranges from slight difficulties in understanding conversations to complete deafness. Hearing loss can result from genetic causes, complications at birth, certain infectious diseases, chronic ear infections, the use of particular drugs, exposure to excessive noise, and aging. It affects people by limiting their ability to communicate, potentially leading to isolation and frustration.

How does TCM View Hearing Loss?

Traditional Chinese Medicine interprets hearing loss as a disruption of the natural balance within the body. It isn't seen merely as a sensory impairment but as a symptom indicating an underlying disharmony.

The kidneys are often implicated in hearing functions; thus, Deficiencies or Excesses impacting Kidney energy can manifest as hearing loss. TCM emphasizes identifying the specific pattern causing the disharmony to tailor a treatment that addresses the root cause and not just the symptom.

Root Causes of Hearing Loss in TCM

In TCM, hearing loss is often associated with a Deficiency in kidney energy, particularly the Yin aspect, which can lead to a failure to nourish the ears. Symptoms may include ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness, and a sense of ear fullness, along with general signs of Yin Deficiency like night sweats and dry throat.

Another potential cause is the presence of Dampness within the body, which can create obstructions in the channels leading to the ears. This might be experienced alongside a sense of heaviness, pressure in the ears, and possibly accompanied by poor digestion or a feeling of fullness.

Explore below more details about what might cause Hearing loss according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • By Organ
  • Yin Deficiency
  • Heat
  • Qi Deficiency
  • Essence Deficiency
  • Yang Deficiency
Detailed description of the cause

Yin Deficiency

Yin deficiency in TCM is a pattern of disharmony characterized by a depletion of the body's Yin energy, which represents the cooling, moistening, and nurturing aspects of our physiology. This condition often arises from factors like chronic stress, overwork, insufficient rest, or prolonged illness. Symptoms of Yin deficiency can include a sensation of heat, especially in the afternoon or evening, night sweats, insomnia, a dry mouth or throat, and a red tongue with little coating. There might also be a general feeling of restlessness or irritability. Since Yin is essential for balancing the body's active and warm Yang energy, its deficiency leads to a relative excess of Yang, manifesting as heat or dryness symptoms.... see more

Yin Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Common Symptoms: Dizziness Tinnitus Lower Back Pain Dry Throat Night Sweats Insomnia Dry Stools Nocturnal Emission

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency Diminished hearing, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Vertical headaches, Occipital headache, Insomnia, Limb numbness, Tingling of limbs, Dry eyes, Blurry vision, Dry throat, Dry hair, Skin dryness, Withered and brittle nails, Vaginal dryness, Night sweats, Dry stools, Nocturnal emission, Scanty menstruation, Amenorrhea, Late menstruation, Infertility... see more Zuo Gui Wan | Qi Ju Di Huang Wan | Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Qing Gu San | Yi Guan Jian | Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang | Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency Diminished hearing, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Night dry coughing, Dry throat, Dry mouth, Emaciation, Exertional dyspnea, Lower back pain, Night sweats, Hearing loss, Oliguria... see more Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan
Kidney Yin Deficiency Diminished hearing, Excessive sweating, Back pain, Hearing loss, Dry mouth and throat at night, Lower back pain, Constipation, Scanty and dark urine, Infertility, Premature ejaculation, Generalized fatigue, General weakness, Depression, Anxiety, Heat sensation in palms, Evening heat sensation, Flushed cheekbones, Menopausal hot flashes, Preference for sipping, Evening anxiety... see more Zuo Gui Wan | Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan | Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang | Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan
Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing Diminished hearing, Flushed cheekbones, Restlessness, Insomnia, Night sweats, Low grade fever in the afternoon, Heat sensation in palms, Afternoon heat sensation, Evening heat sensation, Scanty and dark urine, Hematuria, Dry throat, Preference for sipping, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emission, Hypersexuality, Dry stools... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Heat" signifies an excess of Yang energy, leading to an imbalance where heat predominates over the body's cool Yin aspects. This condition is metaphorically akin to an internal over-heating. Symptoms indicative of Heat can include feelings of warmth, fever, sweating, irritability, red face, thirst with a preference for cold drinks, and a rapid pulse. The tongue may appear red with a yellow coating. Unlike the common interpretation of heat in terms of temperature, in TCM, it represents a state of hyperactivity or inflammation in the body.... see more

Heat Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Common Symptoms: Dizziness Flushed Cheekbones Restlessness Insomnia Night Sweats Low Grade Fever In The Afternoon Heat Sensation In Palms Afternoon Heat Sensation

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing Diminished hearing, Flushed cheekbones, Restlessness, Insomnia, Night sweats, Low grade fever in the afternoon, Heat sensation in palms, Afternoon heat sensation, Evening heat sensation, Scanty and dark urine, Hematuria, Dry throat, Preference for sipping, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emission, Hypersexuality, Dry stools... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan
Heat Excess in the Liver or Gallbladder Diminished hearing, Hypochondriac pain, Headaches, Dizziness, Red and irritated eyes, Hearing loss, Ear swelling, Bitter taste in the mouth, Irritability, Painful urination, Swollen and itchy external genitalia... see more Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Detailed description of the cause

Qi Deficiency

Qi Deficiency in TCM is like running low on battery power. Qi is the vital energy that powers every function in your body. When there's a Qi Deficiency, it means your body doesn't have enough of this essential energy. This can make you feel tired all the time, weak, or even cause shortness of breath. It's similar to how you feel when you haven't had enough sleep or nutritious food. Your body just doesn't have the energy it needs to perform at its best. Unlike modern medicine, which often focuses on specific physical causes for fatigue and weakness, TCM views Qi Deficiency as an overall energy depletion that affects your entire well-being, and it seeks to replenish and balance this vital energy.... see more

Qi Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney Qi Deficiency Diminished hearing, Hearing loss, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Back pain, Frequent urination, Nocturia, Premature ejaculation, Excessive menstruation... see more Qing E Wan
Detailed description of the cause

Essence Deficiency

In TCM "Essence" (Jing) deficiency refers to a depletion of the body's fundamental substance, which is vital for growth, development, reproduction, and overall vitality. Jing, often translated as "Essence," is a unique concept in TCM, seen as the basis of all life activities and inherited from our parents. Essence deficiency manifests in various symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, weakness, slow physical or mental development, fertility issues, premature aging, weak bones, and a lackluster complexion. It can also affect the hair, leading to premature greying or hair loss. This pattern of disharmony often arises from congenital factors, chronic illness, overwork, or excessive behaviors that drain the body's resources. ... see more

Essence Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney Essence Deficiency Loss of hearing or deafness, Deafness, Decreased mental sharpness, Intellectual disability, Osteomalacia, Hair loss, Lower back pain, Infertility, Primary amenorrhea, Dizziness, Blurry vision, Absentmindness... see more Zuo Gui Wan | Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan | Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan | Tu Si Zi Wan | Huan Shao Dan
Detailed description of the cause

Yang Deficiency

Yang deficiency in TCM refers to a state where the body's Yang energy, which is responsible for warmth, activity, and function, is weakened or diminished. This pattern of disharmony often arises from chronic illness, aging, or inherent constitutional weakness. Symptoms of Yang deficiency are typically associated with cold and sluggishness, such as a feeling of coldness, cold extremities, pale complexion, low energy or fatigue, and a desire for warmth. Digestive issues like poor appetite, loose stools, and water retention can also be indicative of Yang deficiency.... see more

Yang Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney Yang Deficiency Loss of hearing or deafness, Lower back pain, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Weak and cold knees, Lower back coldness, Chills, Weak legs, Bright pale face, Generalized fatigue, General weakness, Leg edema, Female infertility, Diarrhea, Depression, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Oligospermia, Low sex drive, Pale and abudant urination, Constipation... see more Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan | Tu Si Zi Wan | Ba Wei Di Huang Wan | You Gui Wan | Er Xian Tang | Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan | Ji Chuan Jian | Yu Lin Zhu
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Kidneys are regarded as the body's most fundamental reservoir of Essence, known as Jing, which influences growth, reproduction, and aging. They are not just organs for filtering blood, but a holistic system governing vital life forces. When the Kidneys malfunction in TCM, it can manifest as a variety of health issues, such as chronic fatigue, reproductive problems, imbalances in fluid metabolism leading to edema or dryness, lower back pain, and a sense of fear or insecurity.... see more

Kidney Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Common Symptoms: Dizziness Tinnitus Lower Back Pain Night Sweats Back Pain Insomnia Dry Throat Dry Stools

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency Diminished hearing, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Vertical headaches, Occipital headache, Insomnia, Limb numbness, Tingling of limbs, Dry eyes, Blurry vision, Dry throat, Dry hair, Skin dryness, Withered and brittle nails, Vaginal dryness, Night sweats, Dry stools, Nocturnal emission, Scanty menstruation, Amenorrhea, Late menstruation, Infertility... see more Zuo Gui Wan | Qi Ju Di Huang Wan | Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Qing Gu San | Yi Guan Jian | Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang | Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency Diminished hearing, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Night dry coughing, Dry throat, Dry mouth, Emaciation, Exertional dyspnea, Lower back pain, Night sweats, Hearing loss, Oliguria... see more Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan
Kidney Qi Deficiency Diminished hearing, Hearing loss, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Back pain, Frequent urination, Nocturia, Premature ejaculation, Excessive menstruation... see more Qing E Wan
Kidney Yin Deficiency Diminished hearing, Excessive sweating, Back pain, Hearing loss, Dry mouth and throat at night, Lower back pain, Constipation, Scanty and dark urine, Infertility, Premature ejaculation, Generalized fatigue, General weakness, Depression, Anxiety, Heat sensation in palms, Evening heat sensation, Flushed cheekbones, Menopausal hot flashes, Preference for sipping, Evening anxiety... see more Zuo Gui Wan | Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan | Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang | Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan
Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing Diminished hearing, Flushed cheekbones, Restlessness, Insomnia, Night sweats, Low grade fever in the afternoon, Heat sensation in palms, Afternoon heat sensation, Evening heat sensation, Scanty and dark urine, Hematuria, Dry throat, Preference for sipping, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emission, Hypersexuality, Dry stools... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan
Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized Diminished hearing, Palpitations, Restlessness, Insomnia, Vivid dreaming, Anxiety, Poor memory, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emissions with dreams, Evening heat sensation, Dry mouth and throat at night, Preference for sipping, Night sweats, Heat sensation in palms, Scanty and dark urine, Dry stools... see more Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang | Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan | Jiao Tai Wan | Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin
Kidney Essence Deficiency Loss of hearing or deafness, Deafness, Decreased mental sharpness, Intellectual disability, Osteomalacia, Hair loss, Lower back pain, Infertility, Primary amenorrhea, Dizziness, Blurry vision, Absentmindness... see more Zuo Gui Wan | Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan | Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan | Tu Si Zi Wan | Huan Shao Dan
Kidney Yang Deficiency Loss of hearing or deafness, Lower back pain, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Weak and cold knees, Lower back coldness, Chills, Weak legs, Bright pale face, Generalized fatigue, General weakness, Leg edema, Female infertility, Diarrhea, Depression, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Oligospermia, Low sex drive, Pale and abudant urination, Constipation... see more Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan | Tu Si Zi Wan | Ba Wei Di Huang Wan | You Gui Wan | Er Xian Tang | Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan | Ji Chuan Jian | Yu Lin Zhu
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Liver is viewed as the organ responsible for the smooth flow of Qi, Blood, and emotions throughout the body. It plays a key role in regulating mood, storing blood, supporting digestion, and ensuring the health of tendons and eyes. When the Liver malfunctions or is imbalanced in TCM, it can lead to a range of issues such as irritability, mood swings, menstrual irregularities, eye problems, and muscular stiffness or pain. A malfunctioning Liver in TCM reflects not only physical disturbances but also emotional and mental disharmony, emphasizing the holistic approach of TCM in addressing health and wellness.... see more

Liver Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Common Symptoms: Dizziness Hyperthyroidism Headaches Tinnitus Lower Back Pain Vertical Headaches Occipital Headache Insomnia

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency Diminished hearing, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Vertical headaches, Occipital headache, Insomnia, Limb numbness, Tingling of limbs, Dry eyes, Blurry vision, Dry throat, Dry hair, Skin dryness, Withered and brittle nails, Vaginal dryness, Night sweats, Dry stools, Nocturnal emission, Scanty menstruation, Amenorrhea, Late menstruation, Infertility... see more Zuo Gui Wan | Qi Ju Di Huang Wan | Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Qing Gu San | Yi Guan Jian | Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang | Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
Heat Excess in the Liver or Gallbladder Diminished hearing, Hypochondriac pain, Headaches, Dizziness, Red and irritated eyes, Hearing loss, Ear swelling, Bitter taste in the mouth, Irritability, Painful urination, Swollen and itchy external genitalia... see more Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Lungs are seen as the organ responsible for controlling Qi and respiration, as well as being a key part of the body's defensive system. They are thought to maintain the balance and flow of air and moisture, and are closely linked to the skin and hair. When the Lungs are imbalanced or malfunctioning in TCM, it can lead to respiratory issues like coughing or asthma, a weakened immune system, dry skin, and emotional disturbances such as sadness or grief. These symptoms are believed to arise from disruptions in the Lungs' ability to regulate Qi and protect the body, highlighting their central role in maintaining overall health and well-being.... see more

Lung Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency Diminished hearing, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Night dry coughing, Dry throat, Dry mouth, Emaciation, Exertional dyspnea, Lower back pain, Night sweats, Hearing loss, Oliguria... see more Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Heart is considered the "emperor" of all organs, primarily responsible for governing Blood and housing the mind, known as "Shen." It plays a crucial role in maintaining mental-emotional equilibrium and controlling the circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body. When the Heart is imbalanced or malfunctions in TCM, it can lead to a range of issues like heart palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, anxiety, and a flushed complexion. Emotional disturbances such as excessive joy or lack of joy are also seen as signs of Heart disharmony. These symptoms reflect not just physical heart conditions but also the state of one's Shen, indicating the interconnectedness of physical and emotional well-being in TCM.... see more

Heart Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized Diminished hearing, Palpitations, Restlessness, Insomnia, Vivid dreaming, Anxiety, Poor memory, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emissions with dreams, Evening heat sensation, Dry mouth and throat at night, Preference for sipping, Night sweats, Heat sensation in palms, Scanty and dark urine, Dry stools... see more Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang | Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan | Jiao Tai Wan | Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Gallbladder has a unique role in storing and excreting bile, but more importantly, it's seen as crucial for decision-making and courage. It's closely connected to the Liver, assisting in the smooth flow of Qi (vital energy) and supporting the Liver's role in maintaining emotional balance. When the Gallbladder malfunctions or is imbalanced in TCM, it can lead to physical symptoms like gallstones, jaundice, or a bitter taste in the mouth. There might also be digestive disturbances, particularly related to fat metabolism. On an emotional level, a Gallbladder disorder can manifest as indecisiveness, timidity, or a tendency to easily succumb to stress. These symptoms highlight the TCM view of the Gallbladder as integral to both physical processes and emotional resilience.... see more

Gallbladder Patterns That Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Heat Excess in the Liver or Gallbladder Diminished hearing, Hypochondriac pain, Headaches, Dizziness, Red and irritated eyes, Hearing loss, Ear swelling, Bitter taste in the mouth, Irritability, Painful urination, Swollen and itchy external genitalia... see more Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

TCM Herbal Formulas for Hearing Loss

For hearing loss due to yin deficiency, TCM practitioners might recommend formulas such as Zuo Gui Wan or Qi Ju Di Huang Wan. These formulas contain herbs like Prepared rehmannia, known for their nourishing properties, aiming to replenish yin and improve hearing.

For Dampness-related hearing issues, formulas like Er Miao San, which contain Atractylodes to dry Dampness and Alisma to promote water metabolism, might be used. The precise formula would be chosen based on the individual's pattern of disharmony, and a practitioner would consider the person's unique constitution and overall health condition.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address hearing loss, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type
  • Yin Deficiency
  • Heat
  • Qi Deficiency
  • Essence Deficiency
  • Yang Deficiency
  • Formulas that nourish yin and tonify
  • Formulas that warm yang and tonify
  • Formulas that nourish the heart and calm the mind
  • Formulas that tonify yin and yang
  • Formulas that clear heat from the organs
  • Formulas that clear heat from deficiency
  • Formulas that pacify and extinguish internal wind
  • Formulas that moisten intestines and unblock bowels
  • Formulas that tonify

All Formulas Recommended for Hearing Loss Caused by Yin Deficiency

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing... see more
Zuo Gui Wan Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing
Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang Kidney Yin Deficiency
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Kidney Yin Deficiency
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
Qing Gu San Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
Yi Guan Jian Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency

All Formulas Recommended for Hearing Loss Caused by Heat

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Heat Excess in the Liver or Gallbladder

All Formulas Recommended for Hearing Loss Caused by Essence Deficiency

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Zuo Gui Wan Kidney Essence Deficiency
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Kidney Essence Deficiency
Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan Kidney Essence Deficiency
Tu Si Zi Wan Kidney Essence Deficiency
Huan Shao Dan Kidney Essence Deficiency

All Formulas Recommended for Hearing Loss Caused by Yang Deficiency

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan Kidney Yang Deficiency
Tu Si Zi Wan Kidney Yang Deficiency
Ba Wei Di Huang Wan Kidney Yang Deficiency
You Gui Wan Kidney Yang Deficiency
Er Xian Tang Kidney Yang Deficiency
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan Kidney Yang Deficiency
Ji Chuan Jian Kidney Yang Deficiency
Yu Lin Zhu Kidney Yang Deficiency

All "formulas that nourish yin and tonify" recommended for hearing loss

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Zuo Gui Wan Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Essence Deficiency... see more
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing... see more
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
Yi Guan Jian Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
Ba Wei Di Huang Wan Kidney Yang Deficiency

All "formulas that warm yang and tonify" recommended for hearing loss

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan Kidney Essence Deficiency, Kidney Yang Deficiency
Tu Si Zi Wan Kidney Essence Deficiency, Kidney Yang Deficiency
Qing E Wan Kidney Qi Deficiency
You Gui Wan Kidney Yang Deficiency
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan Kidney Yang Deficiency

All "formulas that tonify yin and yang" recommended for hearing loss

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Essence Deficiency
Huan Shao Dan Kidney Essence Deficiency
Er Xian Tang Kidney Yang Deficiency

All "formulas that nourish the heart and calm the mind" recommended for hearing loss

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized
Jiao Tai Wan Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized

All "formulas that clear heat from the organs" recommended for hearing loss

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Heat Excess in the Liver or Gallbladder
Dang Gui Long Hui Wan Not applicable

TCM Herbs for Hearing Loss

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address hearing loss, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Tonic herbs for yang deficiency
  • Herbs that clear heat and dry dampness
  • Tonic herbs for blood deficiency
  • Herbs that cool the blood
  • Herbs that stabilize and bind
  • Herbs that warm the interior and/or expel cold
  • Herbs that anchor and calm the spirit
  • Herbs that open the orifices
  • Herbs that invigorate the blood
  • Herbs that clear heat and purge fire and/or clear summer heat
  • Herbs that nourish the heart and calm the spirit
  • Tonic herbs for qi deficiency
  • Tonic herbs for yin deficiency
  • Warm/Acrid herbs that release the exterior

"Herbs that clear Heat and dry Dampness" recommended for hearing loss

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Chinese Gentian (Long Dan Cao) Long Dan Xie Gan Tang | Dang Gui Long Hui Wan
Phellodendron Bark (Huang Bo) Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan
Goldthread Rhizomes (Huang Lian) Jiao Tai Wan

"Herbs that cool the Blood" recommended for hearing loss

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Stellaria Roots (Yin Chai Hu) Qing Gu San
Unprepared Rehmannia (Di Huang) Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan

"Herbs that stabilize and bind" recommended for hearing loss

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Lotus Seeds (Lian Zi) Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin
Cornelian Cherries (Shan Zhu Yu) Ming Mu Di Huang Wan

"Herbs that warm the Interior and/or expel Cold" recommended for hearing loss

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Prepared Aconite (Zhi Fu Zi) You Gui Wan | Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
Cinnamon Bark (Rou Gui) You Gui Wan

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