Dorsal Foot Rednessaccording to TCM

*redirected from Foot dorsum redness

Symptom family: Feet Issues

What is Dorsal Foot Redness?

Dorsal foot redness is characterized by inflammation and a reddish appearance on the top part of the foot. It can indicate various underlying conditions, ranging from infections, allergic reactions, to more complex systemic diseases. This symptom can be accompanied by pain, swelling, or warmth, affecting mobility and comfort. Understanding the cause behind the redness is crucial for effective treatment and relief.

How does TCM view Dorsal Foot Redness?

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, dorsal foot redness is seen as a manifestation of underlying imbalances within the body's Qi (energy), Blood, or the presence of pathogenic factors such as Heat or Dampness.

TCM practitioners assess this condition in the context of the body's holistic state, considering external environmental factors, internal organ health, and the flow of Qi and Blood through the meridians. Identifying the root cause, whether it's an excess condition like Heat or a deficiency leading to poor circulation, is key to tailoring the treatment.

Acupoints for Dorsal Foot Redness

In addressing dorsal foot redness, TCM emphasizes restoring balance and clearing any pathogenic factors. The Bafeng EX-LE-10 points, located on the dorsum of the foot near the interdigital webs, are particularly beneficial. These points are strategically placed to directly influence the affected area, clearing Heat and reducing swelling. Xingjian LIV-2, Neiting ST-44, and Xiaxi GB-43, as part of the Bafeng group, work synergistically to alleviate inflammation and promote healing.

Stimulating these acupoints can help soothe the symptoms and address the underlying imbalances causing the redness. Through such targeted treatments, TCM offers a nuanced approach to managing and resolving dorsal foot redness, prioritizing the body's overall harmony and well-being.

See more details below about Bafeng EX-LE-10, an acupoint used to address dorsal foot redness.

  • By Meridian
  • Extra Points: Lower Extremities (EX-LE)
Bafeng EX-LE-10

Bafeng EX-LE-10

This is a group of 8 points, all located on the foot dorsum, slightly proximal to the margins of the interdigital webs. Xingjian LIV-2, Neiting ST-44 and Xiabai GB-43 are part of the Bafeng EX-LE-10 points. Xingjian LIV-2 is between the 1st and 2nd toes, on the dorsum of the foot, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web. Neiting ST-44 is between the 2nd and 3rd toes, while Xiaxi GB-43 is between the 4th and 5th toes.

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