Symptom family: Gastrointestinal Infections
Parent symptom: Gastroenteritis
Acute gastroenteritis is an inflammation that affects both the stomach and the intestines, leading to symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. It's a condition that strikes swiftly and can affect individuals of all ages, often resulting from infections by viruses, bacteria, or even parasites. The severity can range from mild discomfort to severe dehydration requiring medical attention. Acute gastroenteritis is synonymous with terms such as stomach and intestinal inflammation, reflecting its broad impact on the digestive tract.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perceives acute gastroenteritis not just as a local disturbance in the stomach and intestines but as a manifestation of imbalances within the body's energy systems. TCM emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying patterns of disharmony that lead to symptoms.
It's crucial to identify the specific pattern affecting the patient, as this will guide the treatment strategy. This holistic approach seeks to restore balance and harmony to the body's Qi (vital energy), Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements, offering a unique perspective on healing and recovery.
In TCM, the causes of acute gastroenteritis are attributed to various patterns of disharmony, such as the invasion of external pathogenic factors like Wind-Cold or Damp-Heat, internal imbalances in Yin or Yang, and the dysfunction of the Zang-Fu organs. For instance, an Excess of Damp-Heat in the body can lead to symptoms akin to gastroenteritis, as can the invasion of the Stomach by Cold due to dietary indiscretions. Identifying the root cause, whether it be an external pathogen or an internal imbalance, is key to tailoring the treatment to the individual's specific condition.
To address acute gastroenteritis, TCM utilizes a variety of formulas and herbs aimed at correcting the underlying imbalances. Formulas like Huang Lian Jie Du Tang, rich in Goldthread Rhizomes (Huang Lian), target Heat and toxicity in the body, making them suitable for cases characterized by symptoms of Toxic-Heat.
On the other hand, Xiang Ru San, featuring Vietnamese Balm (Xiang Ru), is employed to dispel Summer-Heat and resolve dampness, suitable for those affected by the seasonal invasion of pathogenic Heat. Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan and Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin are used to clear Damp-Heat and facilitate the resolution of dampness, respectively. Each formula is chosen based on the specific TCM pattern identified, underscoring the personalized nature of TCM treatment.
Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address acute gastroenteritis, organized by formula type.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by formulas that clear Heat and resolve toxicity if it arises from heat toxins affecting the body.
One such formula is Huang Lian Jiao Du Tang, with goldthread rhizome as a key herb.
Other formulas of this category are listed in the table below.
Formula | Key herbs |
Huang Lian Jiao Du Tang | Goldthread Rhizomes (Huang Lian) |
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang | Goldthread Rhizomes (Huang Lian) |
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these formulas when there's an interaction of external summer heat with the body's surface, requiring remedies that clear heat and release the exterior.
One such formula is Xiang Ru San, with vietnamese balm as a key herb.
Other formulas of this category are listed in the table below.
Formula | Key herbs |
Xiang Ru San | Vietnamese Balm (Xiang Ru) |
Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin | Vietnamese Balm (Xiang Ru) |
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these formulas when the symptom arises from disharmony between the stomach and intestines, often leading to digestive issues.
One such formula is Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, with goldthread rhizome as a key herb.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by formulas that clear Heat and expel dampness if it results from heat combined with damp conditions in the body.
One such formula is Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan, with baikal skullcap root as a key herb.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these formulas when the symptom is caused by summer heat combined with dampness accumulation, requiring actions that both cool and resolve dampness.
One such formula is Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin, with talc as a key herb.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by formulas that clear Heat and open sensory orifices if it is due to heat causing disturbances in sensory functions.
One such formula is Hui Chun Dan, with ox gallstone as a key herb.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these formulas if it is a result of a severe depletion or collapse of Yang energy, requiring urgent restoration and warming actions.
One such formula is Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang, with prepared aconite as a key herb.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these formulas when it is due to dampness affecting the stomach, leading to digestive disturbances.
One such formula is Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San, with korean mint as a key herb.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these formulas when it stems from external pathogenic influences characterized by cold and wind symptoms.
One such formula is Jia Wei Xiang Su San, with perilla leaves as a key herb.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these formulas when it is due to cold in the middle jiao (digestive region), necessitating warming and cold-dispelling actions.
One such formula is Wu Zhu Yu Tang, with evodia fruit as a key herb.
Explore below some TCM herbs used to address acute gastroenteritis, organized by herb category.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these herbs if it is due to internal coldness or deficient Yang energy, working to warm the body and dispel cold.
One such herb is Prepared Aconite (Zhi Fu Zi), a key herb in some formulas recommended for acute gastroenteritis, like Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Prepared Aconite (Zhi Fu Zi) | Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang |
Dried Ginger (Gan Jiang) | Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang |
Cinnamon Bark (Rou Gui) | Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang |
Evodia Fruits (Wu Zhu Yu) | Wu Zhu Yu Tang |
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these herbs when there is a need to dispel external cold and warm the body, especially in cases where there is insufficient Yang energy internally.
One such herb is Vietnamese Balm (Xiang Ru), a key herb in some formulas recommended for acute gastroenteritis, like Xiang Ru San.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Vietnamese Balm (Xiang Ru) | Xiang Ru San | Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin |
Perilla Leaves (Zi Su Ye) | Jia Wei Xiang Su San |
Japanese Catnip (Jing Jie) | Jia Wei Xiang Su San |
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these herbs when caused by excessive dampness and heat within the body, aiming to restore balance by drying dampness and clearing heat.
One such herb is Goldthread Rhizomes (Huang Lian), a key herb in some formulas recommended for acute gastroenteritis, like Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Goldthread Rhizomes (Huang Lian) | Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang | Huang Lian Jiao Du Tang | Huang Lian Jie Du Tang |
Baikal Skullcap Roots (Huang Qin) | Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan |
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these herbs when caused by excessive dampness in the body, aiding in eliminating damp through diuretic action.
One such herb is Talc (Hua Shi), a key herb in some formulas recommended for acute gastroenteritis, like Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Talc (Hua Shi) | Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan | Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin |
Virgate Wormwood (Yin Chen) | Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan |
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these herbs when it is a consequence of excess heat in the blood, helping to cool and detoxify the blood.
One such herb is Ox Gallstones (Niu Huang), a key herb in some formulas recommended for acute gastroenteritis, like Hui Chun Dan.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these herbs if it's a result of blockages in the body's sensory orifices, aiding in restoring clarity and consciousness.
One such herb is Musk (She Xiang), a key herb in some formulas recommended for acute gastroenteritis, like Hui Chun Dan.
Acute gastroenteritis can be treated by these herbs if it stems from damp accumulation, especially in the digestive system, using aromatic properties to transform and dispel dampness.
One such herb is Korean Mint (Huo Xiang), a key herb in some formulas recommended for acute gastroenteritis, like Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San.