Chinese herbal medicine database (filtered)
Ban Bian Lian (Chinese Lobelia herb) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Heart, Lung, Small intestine Category: Herbs that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity
Bi Ma Zi (Castor bean) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Pungent, Sweet Meridians: Large intestine, Lung Category: Herbs that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity
Chi Xiao Dou (Adzuki bean) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sour, Sweet Meridians: Heart, Small intestine Category: Herbs that drain Dampness
Fu Ling Pi (Poria skin) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Spleen, Kidney, Lung Category: Herbs that drain Dampness
Hai Tong Pi (Erythrinae bark) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Bitter, Pungent Meridians: Spleen, Kidney, Liver Category: Herbs that dispel Wind and Dampness
Mu Xu (Alfalfa leaf) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Spleen, Stomach, Kidney Category: Herbs that clear Heat and dry Dampness
Shan Yao (Yam) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Kidney, Lung, Spleen Category: Tonic herbs for Qi Deficiency
Si Gua Luo (Sponge gourd) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Liver, Lung, Stomach Category: Herbs that stabilize and bind
Yu Li Ren (Bush cherry pit) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Bitter, Pungent, Sweet Meridians: Large intestine, Small intestine, Spleen Category: Laxative herbs that drain downward
Yu Mi Xu (Corn silk) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Bladder, Liver, Small intestine Category: Herbs that drain Dampness
Zhu Ling (Polyporus) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Bladder, Kidney Category: Herbs that drain Dampness