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Metrorrhagia, Bleeding between periods and Mid-cycle bleeding redirect here
Chinese name: 经间期出血
Pinyin name: Jīng Jiān Qí Chū Xiě
Possible causes and remedies:
Symptoms: Restlessness Abdominal pain Dark colored blood and one other symptom
Recommended formula: Zhu Yu Zhi Xue Tang
Symptoms: Fatigue Joint pain Poor appetite and three other symptoms
Recommended formula: Ba Zheng San
In Western Medicine, intermenstrual bleeding is called metrorrhagia. Bleeding between menstruations is characterized by an extra bleeding session happening around mid-cycle time when ovulation occurs. It normally doesn't exceed two days and the quantity of blood can be scanty or profuse.
Sometimes it can be mistaken as early menstruation if the bleeding is comparatively heavy and lasts longer than 2 days, which can occur. It should also be distinguished from abnormal uterine bleeding or excessive red vaginal discharge.
According to Chinese Medicine the Directing and Penetrating Vessels control ovulation under the influence of Kidney Yin and Yang. A malfunction of the Kidneys is therefore typically responsible for this unwanted bleeding during ovulation time, even though other patterns might also play a role as we'll see.
As you can see below we've detailed for you the four "patterns of disharmony" associated with intermenstrual bleeding. Chinese Medicine sees the body as a system, not a sum of isolated parts. A "pattern" is when the system's harmony is disrupted. It is not equivalent to a Western condition, as a matter of fact here intermenstrual bleeding can be explained by four different patterns.
Each of those patterns can be treated with one or several herbal formulas. Drinking herbal infusions is the most common remedy in Chinese Medicine, together with acupuncture. It is the Chinese Medicine equivalent to drugs, apart that it's 100% natural!
In total we detail below seven formulas that can help treat the various patterns that cause intermenstrual bleeding, depending on which pattern fits your profile.
Unprepared Rehmannia (Di Huang) is the key herb for Zhu Yu Zhi Xue Tang, a formula used for Blood Stagnation
Pulse type(s): Wiry (Xian)
Tongue color: Purple in the centre
Recommended herbal formula: Zhu Yu Zhi Xue Tang
Symptoms: Restlessness Abdominal pain Dark colored blood Dark clots in menstrual blood
The main symptom under this Blood Stagnation pattern is the dark clots and dark color menstruation blood. The bleeding can be scanty or heavy.
The Stagnation can be caused by birth-giving, abdominal surgery or traumas. It can block the Directing and Penetrating Vessels as well as the Uterus, thus any newly created Blood has no place to go but spill out unwantedly during mid-cycle.
The treatment principle is to invigorate Qi and Blood, remove Stagnation and stop bleeding.
Chinese Pink Herbs (Qu Mai) is the key herb for Ba Zheng San, a formula used for Damp-Heat
Pulse type(s): Slippery (Hua)
Tongue coating: Sticky coating, Yellow coating
Tongue color: Red
Recommended herbal formula: Ba Zheng San
Symptoms: Fatigue Joint pain Poor appetite Chest pressure Vaginal discharge Scanty and dark urine
Mid-cycle bleeding under this pattern can be recognized by the sticky texture of the blood, without clots. Blood volume can be scanty or heavy.
The Spleen is the main Organ involved. When the Spleen is weak, it fails to perform properly its function of transforming and transporting Body Fluids. Therefore Dampness accumulates and it also create Heat or Fire. The Damp Heat not only harms the Directing and Penetrating Vessels but also provokes the Blood and cause bleeding during mid-cycle. The Liver is another organ involved because it stores the Blood.
Irregular diet is responsible for weakened Spleen function, such as excessive consumption of dairy or greasy foods. The treatment principle is to clear the Liver, fortify the Spleen, remove Dampness and stop bleeding.
The Kidneys is a so-called "Zang" Organ. Learn more about the Kidneys in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Rapid (Shu), Empty (Xu), Fine (Xi), Floating (Fu)
Tongue coating: Complete absence of coating
Tongue color: Red
Recommended herbal formulas: Liang Di Tang, Er Zhi Wan, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Zuo Gui Wan
Symptoms: Tinnitus Dizziness Back pain Dark Urine Night sweats
The mid-cycle bleeding between periods is characterized by scanty and scarlet-red blood. Normally there is no abdominal pain or clots.
Liver and Kidney Yin can be seriously damaged if a woman works excessively without sufficient and proper rest or gives birth to many children very close to each other. It can lead to Empty Heat in the sense that this Heat exists due to lacking of Yin which is a natural cooling element of the Body. This Heat agitates the Blood and impairs the Directing and Penetrating Vessels, including their ability to control Blood during ovulation. This causes the Blood to leak out unwantedly around mid-cycle. This condition is more common among older women.
The treatment principle is to nourish both Liver and Kidney Yin, clear Empty Heat, strengthen the Directing and Penetrating Vessels and finally try to stop bleeding. It is very important to first address the fundamental reasons of the unwanted mid-cycle bleeding rather than simply trying to stop the bleeding itself.
Read more about Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood here
The Spleen is a so-called "Zang" Organ. Learn more about the Spleen in Chinese Medicine
Pulse type(s): Deep (Chen), Weak (Ruo)
Tongue color: Pale
Recommended herbal formula: Gu Ben Zhi Beng Tang
Symptoms: Tinnitus Dizziness Back pain Knee pain Tiredness Depression Loose stools Feeling of cold Frequent urination
Mid-cycle bleeding under this pattern is characterized by red color menstruating Blood without clots. Normally there is no abdominal pain and the volume can be scanty or heavy.
The Kidneys store the Essence and the Spleen controls the Blood. When these two Organs' Yang is Deficient, no sufficient Qi, which is a Yang element, is created to hold Blood in its vessels. It also injures the Directing and Penetrating Vessels. Thus unwanted bleeding is the result.
Excessive physical activities, from work or sports, can harm the Kidneys and the Spleen and cause Yang Deficiency in the Lower Burner. It can lead to Cold in the Uterus. The treatment principle is to strengthen the Spleen and Kidneys, tonify Yang, warm the Uterus and contain Blood.
The top herbs in Zhu Yu Zhi Xue Tang are Unprepared Rehmannia (Di Huang), Dong Quai (Dang Gui) and Bitter Oranges (Zhi Ke)
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat Blood Stagnation, a pattern sometimes associated with intermenstrual bleeding. If it looks like you might suffer from Blood Stagnation, this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Ba Zheng San are Chinese Pink Herbs (Qu Mai), Knotgrass (Bian Xu) and Akebia Stems (Mu Tong)
Source date: 1107 AD
Number of ingredients: 9 herbs
Key actions: Clears Heat and Fire. Promotes urination. Unblocks painful urinary dribbling. Purges Fire.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat Damp-Heat, a pattern sometimes associated with intermenstrual bleeding. If it looks like you might suffer from Damp-Heat, this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Liang Di Tang are Unprepared Rehmannia (Di Huang), Ningpo Figwort Roots (Xuan Shen) and Dwarf Lilyturf Roots (Mai Dong)
Source date: 1826 AD
Number of ingredients: 6 herbs
Key actions: Nourishes Yin. Cools Blood. Stop bleeding.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood, a pattern sometimes associated with intermenstrual bleeding. If it looks like you might suffer from Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood, this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Gu Ben Zhi Beng Tang are Milkvetch Roots (Huang Qi), Ginseng (Ren Shen) and Atractylodes Rhizomes (Bai Zhu)
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat Spleen or Kidney Yang Deficiency, a pattern sometimes associated with intermenstrual bleeding. If it looks like you might suffer from Spleen or Kidney Yang Deficiency, this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Er Zhi Wan are Glossy Privet Fruits (Nu Zhen Zi) and Eclipta Herbs (Mo han lian)
Source date: 1534 AD
Number of ingredients: 2 herbs
Key actions: Nourishes Liver Yin. Nourishes Kidney Yin.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood, a pattern sometimes associated with intermenstrual bleeding. If it looks like you might suffer from Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood, this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Liu Wei Di Huang Wan are Prepared Rehmannia (Shu Di huang), Cornelian Cherries (Shan Zhu Yu) and Yam (Shan Yao)
Source date: 1119 AD
Number of ingredients: 6 herbs
Key actions: Enriches the yin and nourishes the Kidneys.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood, a pattern sometimes associated with intermenstrual bleeding. If it looks like you might suffer from Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood, this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
The top herbs in Zuo Gui Wan are Prepared Rehmannia (Shu Di huang), Goji Berries (Gou Qi Zi) and Cornelian Cherries (Shan Zhu Yu)
Source date: 1624 AD
Number of ingredients: 8 herbs
Key actions: Nourishes the Yin. Strengthens the Kidneys. Fills the Essence. Augments the marrow.
Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood, a pattern sometimes associated with intermenstrual bleeding. If it looks like you might suffer from Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency causing Heat in the Blood, this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).
Dizziness Tinnitus Back pain Dark clots in menstrual blood Dark colored blood Abdominal pain Restlessness Fatigue Joint pain Chest pressure