Paroxysmal Coughingaccording to TCM

*redirected from Spasmodic coughs

Symptom family: Cough Related Symptoms

What is Paroxysmal Coughing?

Paroxysmal coughing is characterized by sudden and severe episodes of coughing that can be intense and uncontrollable. This type of coughing often comes in spasms or bouts and can be exhausting for the person experiencing it.

The coughing spasms are typically dry and can result in a lack of breath, producing a distinctive whooping sound in some cases. Understanding the underlying cause of paroxysmal coughing is crucial for effective treatment and relief.

How does TCM view Paroxysmal Coughing?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches paroxysmal coughing as a manifestation of imbalance within the body's systems. TCM practitioners view symptoms like spasmodic coughs as indicators of underlying disharmonies, often related to the Lung, Heart, or Liver systems.

The focus in TCM is not just on relieving the cough but on identifying and correcting the root cause of the imbalance, which may vary from person to person. This holistic approach encompasses the use of herbal remedies, acupuncture, and dietary modifications.

Causes of Paroxysmal Coughing According to TCM

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), paroxysmal coughing is often linked to specific imbalances within the body. One of the key patterns associated with this condition is Heart Blood Deficiency, which can lead to emotional distress and physical symptoms. This Deficiency may result in insufficient nourishment for the Mind, manifesting as bouts of intense coughing.

Additionally, when Heart Blood Deficiency coexists with Liver Qi Stagnation, it can exacerbate the severity of coughing spells. This combination often indicates an underlying emotional component, where stress and emotional turmoil disrupt the smooth flow of Qi, further affecting the heart and lung functions.

TCM Herbal Formulas for Paroxysmal Coughing

In addressing paroxysmal coughing, TCM practitioners may recommend formulas that nourish the heart and calm the Mind. A prime example is Gan Mai Da Zao Tang, which includes Light Wheats (Fu Xiao Mai) as a key ingredient. This formula is sweet and cool in nature, making it suitable for treating patterns like Heart Blood Deficiency and Heart Blood Deficiency with Liver Qi Stagnation.

By targeting the heart and liver systems, Gan Mai Da Zao Tang helps to stabilize emotional disturbances and alleviate the physical symptoms of coughing. This approach reflects the holistic perspective of TCM, where treating the mind and emotions is as important as addressing the physical aspect of a symptom like paroxysmal coughing.

See more details below about Gan Mai Da Zao Tang, a herbal formula used to address paroxysmal coughing.

  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that nourish the heart and calm the mind

TCM Herbs for Paroxysmal Coughing

See more details below about Light Wheats (Fu Xiao Mai), a herb used to address paroxysmal coughing.

  • By Herb Category
  • Herbs that stabilize and bind